Chapter One

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(A/N) Hey everyone! I'm still working on my other aot story, but I thought I should make this short story, idk how many chapters it will have, but I know it will be shorter than the other story. So please read and vote for this story, and tell me if you like it!☺
I pulled Bertholdt closer to me as we snuggled up in bed, I earned a slight moan from him as I did so, and he turned around to face me.
"Sorry.." another moan. "I almost fell off the bed again huh?" He said while rubbing his eyes
So cute...
"Yeah, that and I wanted you closer to me," I said giving him a peck on the lips.
I started to pull away, when Bertholdt gently grabbed my face and pulled me in for another kiss, then it turned into a makeout session. He sat up a bit and started to really get into the kiss, his hands touching all over my body, and I was doing the same in return. It lasted for a minute or two, before he pulled away, panting heavily. His lips looked a little sore from our little makeout session, and I bet mine did as well. I started to pull back in for another, but Bert put his finger to my lips and smiled slightly.
"As much as I would want to continue this, I'm exhausted babe..." he said with a whimper.
He did look really tired, and he has been working a lot recently. I was a little tired too, even though I really wanted this to go further... I mean we were both in our underwear, my shirt was off, and I can tell he was getting into it too. But as soon as he said he was tired, I realized how much I was too. I smiled back and gently kissed his lips.
"Its okay Bert, I was getting tired too."
His face seemed to light up, knowing he didn't upset me. He kissed me on the lips and curled back up beside me, his face on my chest even though he was taller, he still tries to humor me by scooting down on the bed. I felt myself start to go to sleep, but I felt lips touch my chest and it caught me off guard so I made a slight squeaking sound
"I love you, Reiner," he said his face still buried deep in my chest, "I love you too Bert," I said softly, my mind already drifting off.
Soon my eyes closed and I passed out...
I woke up to the sound of whispering and soon heard that it was Reiner saying my name. Then he started kissing my cheek, saying my name again.
"Mmm, Reiner I'm up."
He looked up at me and gave me a kiss on the lips, and I smiled as I felt his lips touch mine. He gave me a few more pecks, before getting up off the bed, and putting on his shirt.
"You're lucky I'm up early, or you would never be on time for work," Renier said with a chuckle.
"Yeah, yeah. I just can't help it, I sleep for hours..." I say, a smile slowly spreading across my face as I remember last night.
It really was perfect, we spent the whole day together, and then cuddled and had an amazing makeout session...
"Hey, Bert, time to wake up. You're gonna be late," he reminded me.
I didn't even realize I was drifting back to sleep... I must still be really tired. Well, I do work for a huge company, and I work at home and at the job, so I'm even more tired than usual. That's why yesterday was so good. I did all my extra work, and it was my day off, so it was just me and Reiner all day. Too bad I have to go to work again... Once Reiner saw my eyes were open, he went downstairs and got ready for his day too, which was him going job hunting. He got fired from his last job at the grocery store because he got in a fight with one of the costumers... Well... several costumers. He has a really bad temper, and that's one thing that he promised to get under control before he found a new job.
Slowly I got off the bed and put on my work clothes, which were always a pain, especially when I am really tired. Once I was done, I felt Reiner wrap his arms around me, and snuggle his head in my neck.
"I made you breakfast, so hurry up and eat it before it gets cold," he said
I turned around to face him and gave him a kiss on the lips.
"Thank you."
"No problem babe," he said with a smile, walking back downstairs.
He's perfect. His smile always makes me feel better, no matter what mood I'm in. I'm so happy I met him...
I ran down the steps fast, ready to eat whatever he made for me. I didn't even care at this point as long as it was food. I passed through the living room into the kitchen, Reiner was at the table, eating his breakfast, which he made, of course, he never lets me make anything for him. Sometimes dinner, but only when he's really lazy. I sat down on the chair beside him and looked at my meal, my eyes lit up over the food he made. Eggs, bacon and of course a couple of cinnamon buns, which was my favorite.
"Wow, this looks really good Reiner!" I said with a big smile on my face.
He had a smile on his face, and I heard him whisper a 'thank you'. He's so cute when I embarrass him like that... soon I looked at the time and I realized I was getting really close to the time I was gonna be late.
"Babe, you better get moving..." Renier said looking at the clock also.
"I know... I just don't wanna go today" I said with a lip pout.
Renier got up off the chair and gave me a kiss, "I know, I don't want you to either... But soon we'll both be going to work soon, and if you lose your job then we're back to just one person working" he said with another kiss.
I sighed deeply, knowing he was right. Plus our rent is coming up soon and this apartment isn't cheap. I got up and put my coat on and put my briefcase over my arm, Reiner stood by the door with a sad look. It kinda made me feel good knowing he was gonna miss me, yet I felt bad he was sad. Guess I just liked that he really loves me to a point where he misses me as much as I do. I smiled a bit trying to cheer him up, and I walked over and gave him a kiss. This kiss lasted a little longer than the last, but he had to pull away to remind me of the time.
"I'm sorry you have you go," Reiner said.
I gave him another smile to reassure him, and gave him a quick kiss and another hug.
"I know. But I'll be back soon and you'll be out looking for a job, so even if I was here, we couldn't spend time together..."
He looked at me for a moment and looked back down, "Yeah I guess."
"Hey how about this," that got his attention and he looked at me with curiosity. "At my break, I'll call you, and tell you what I've been doing and you tell me if you had any luck. Okay?"
He smiled back at me, with the biggest smile I've seen.
I opened the door and was about to leave, but I wanted to make Reiner a bit happier.
"And, maybe we'll text a few pictures... if you'd like?" I said with a grin.
He blushed like crazy, but still managed to smile.
"O-okay," he said.
I gave him one final kiss, and said "I love you"
"I love you too," he said back.
After a long day of searching, I still found nothing... all I wanted to do was go home, but I had to get one last thing...
I had a car luckily because the place I wanted to go to was a little far away. I was getting Bertholdt a ring... yeah, two years is a while, but I don't know if he thinks it is. I mean, he's said before he wanted to get married someday, and after everything we've been through, and how much we love each other... I'm almost positive he'll want to marry me. Once at the shop I picked up the ring the store put back for me and ran back to the car to get a better look at it... it was perfect. Just what I wanted for him... it was silver, but the kind that just shined in the sun, it had a small diamond on top, not a huge one like most I see, but it was all I could afford... I saved some back from my last job, and I had the store add something special to it that really showed I meant this to be for Bertholdt... on the inside, it had 'R+B forever.' Yes I know it was cheesy, but I wanted Bertholdt to know how much I loved him. I had a huge smile on my face once I heard my phone go off, knowing it was Bertholdt. I turned off the car, knowing I might be in the parking lot for a bit and answered.
"Hey Bert," I said. My voice probably sounded weird because I was smiling so much I couldn't even control it.
"Hey Reiner, how is your day so far? Any luck?"
I sigh, my smile dropped a bit. "No... I'm sorry"
"Nooo, Reiner it's okay. It's not your fault, you'll find something."
My smile picked up again when he said that. "Thanks... how have you been?"
"Well you know, the office is usually really crazy around Friday, everyone trying to get home, get extra work done so they can be free for the weekend. So I'm trying to do the same... But, I'm better now that I'm talking to you"
I blushed again like a dork when he said this.
"I am too. I actually have a surprise for you when you come home" I said my huge smile decreasing slightly.
"Ohhh really? I can't wait to find out what it is... Well, babe, I got to go, I'm calling you from break, but I got a surprise for you too, but I can't show you over the phone... I'll text you."
Thinking back to our conversation before he left I blushed madly.
"O- ok," I said trying to sound seductive, and it did not work at all...
"So, I'll see you soon then babe... love you"
"Love you too"
And as soon as he hung up, I looked around the parking lot... Empty! Perfect!
The whole day I felt better, Reiner continues to do that. Once I got home, I was greeted by our neighbors Jean and Marco, who were in a happy mood like always. Our apartment was upstairs, but there were multiple apartments in one, so the building was pretty big, and so were the apartments
"Hey Bert, how have you been?" Jean asked clinging onto Marco.
"Fine, just trying to get some extra money, these apartments are very expensive..." I said looking down.
"Yeah, trust me we know, if we can be of any help you let us know," Marco said.
"I will, thanks," I said with a smile.
They started giggling like crazy, and then Jean finally nodded his head and closed the door. They were definitely drinking... again.
I climbed up the steps, my feet still sore from all the walking I did today. I had to walk up two flights of stairs just to get home. It just made me feel better knowing Reiner was gonna be waiting for me. I opened the door and yelled out "I'm home!"
But no answer...
I took off my shoes and walked over to the kitchen where I saw Renier and food spread out all over the table.
"Well hi there," he said with a smile on his face.
I practically ran over to him and gave him a big kiss, my arms wrapped around his neck. This is exactly what I needed... I pulled away with a huge smile on my face now and kissed him again.
"You didn't have to do this, I feel like you're always cooking, why don't you let me do it."
"I will tomorrow, today just relax," he said while pulling out a chair.
I sat down and started eating all the food he set out for me. Dinner was amazing, we talked, laughed, and ate of course. Once I was done I put my plates in the sink and started washing the dishes, the one thing he lets me do most of the time. I felt hands wrap around me, and Reiner whispered in my ear.
"Turn around."
I did, and he suddenly bent down on one knee and pulled a box out of his pocket... I felt like I was going to pass out at that point. My hands were still dripping from the water of the sink, I didn't even have time to dry them. I just looked in his eyes, waiting for him to speak...
"Bert, I've loved you ever since I first saw you... I would never take that day back, even if it wasn't the best first impression you still fell in love with me.." I chuckled at the memory and held back a sob, biting my lip as he took my hand, "you have me falling in love with you every day of my life, and its been the best two, almost three years of my entire life. You're so beautiful inside and out, you make me smile every day, you support me and love me unconditionally; you're perfect in every way and I love you, Bertholdt Hoover, I want to spend the rest of my life with you... so will you marry me?"
Now I was in tears, sobbing and gripping his hand tight. I never would have thought he'd say all this, and it made me feel so good he did. He opened the box to reveal the most beautiful ring I've ever seen... I was so stunned by everything I forgot to answer his question... which of course was
"Yes! A million times yes!"
He stood up just as I jumped into his arms, giving him a huge amount of kisses and 'I love yous'. After a while, he slipped the ring on my finger which fit perfectly. And gave me one to put on him, when I was about to slip it on I saw an engraving... I took off mines quickly to look and saw the same thing... 'R+B forever'. I started crying again and continued what I started by slipping his ring on, kissing him hard while holding his cheek. It was the best night of my entire life...
✴✴✴✴The Next Morning✴✴✴
I woke up next to Reiner, the blanket covering both of us. I kept thinking back to last night... I can't stop thinking about it. I still have the ring on my finger, Reiner even has his on too. I kissed him on the lips softly, feeling overwhelmed by all the love I'm feeling towards him, more than ever. I'm happy, like beyond happy. I sat up the blanket falling off my upper body, and I soon felt the air hit my chest and quickly covered back up beside Reiner. I looked at him sleep for a bit, he looked so cute it was almost unbearable. I can't believe I'm going to be his husband, just the thought almost made me want to run around in joy. A stupid notification on my phone ruined the moment and woke up Reiner.
"Hmmm..." he moaned in annoyance.
"I know I'm sorry, it must be work that's the only ringtone that's this loud."
I'll answer it later, I wanna spend time with him. Finally, it stopped. He sat his head on my leg and slowly pulled the blanket off and started kissing my chest. It made me jump because I was freezing and he must have seen this and covered me back up, and gently pushed me down beside him. Just as we were starting to drift back to sleep, the ringtone went off again... I sighed and answered the phone really annoyed.
"Yes!" I groaned loud into the phone.
"Uh, you left your computer here, I thought you wanna go get it," Ymir's voice said.
"Ohhh, damn it... I forgot about it there? Don't worry I'm on my way!"
I hung up and looked over at Reiner who didn't look very happy.
"I left my computer at work, I guess I didn't realize it because of everything last night... I mean I'm not blaming last night! I loved every minute of course." I said thinking I might have hurt his feelings.
He smiled at me and kissed me once again.
"It's fine hun, go grab it, I'll be here waiting I swear."
"Okay, I promise when I come back you and me, all day" That made him really smile.
Once I was about to leave I gave Reiner and a quick kiss, and we didn't say a lot of goodbyes like we usually do since I wasn't gonna be out long.
"I love you, see you soon babe."
I was trying to walk while talking trying to get to the car faster. "I love-"
As I was talking, I tripped over a bucket, the reason I knew that it was a bucket was because it came tumbling down the two flights of stairs with me. THUD! CRASH! I kept falling and falling until I landed at the bottom. I heard Reiner yelling my name, screaming at the top of his lungs. I saw Jean and Marco and some of the others in the apartment complex come out of their own apartments. Reiner pushed past everyone, and ran over to me, lifting my head up and placing it on his lap. He touched my forehead and caressed my cheek with tears in his eyes. When he looked at the hand that touched my forehead, I saw blood and lots of it. After seeing that he started crying, which was very rare. He kept saying something, it sounded like it was distant and distorted, the last thing I heard was him saying "Stay with me! Bertholdt! Please!" And I think he said I love you after, but then that's when my mind shut off and I passed out...

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