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I gave my boyfriend a kiss and ran off giggling. He has no idea I'm planning on giving a surprise birthday party. I can't wait, but first I got to get him his birthday present. I ran around the corner to the parking lot.

I then ran to the car and pulled out my present before running back. As I rounded the corner, u froze.

The giggles of my sister caught me by surprise as I looked at them. My boyfriend held my sister close by the waist while kissing her neck, to which she giggled too and wrapped her arms around his neck. A thud was heard as I dropped the present.

My heart cracked a little.

Strike 1

They turned to the noise. I stood there with tears in my eyes. Before running off, their pleas for me to stop fell dead to my ears.

My best friend helped me through the breakup. I'm surprised she didn't throw me to the wolves. I really love that about her.

As I walked down the hall, I heard loud laughter up ahead. I looked up towards it and gasped. My best friend was laughing with the popular group. They bullied me a lot and spread rumors around.

"I can't believe the bitch. Coming crawling to me after finding her boyfriend with her sister. It was her SISTER!" She laughed, obviously not seeing my pained face.

My heart cracked more.

Strike 2

I walked up to her and smacked her before storming off.

My eyes watched as my home go up in flame. The sound of my mother's pleas echo my head as the fire man pulled me away. I struggled, screamed, and kicked. Doing everything I can to get to my only mother.

My heart cracked to the fullest extent.

Strike 3

The house exploded and I knew I would never see my mother and father again.

The doctor looked at me with sympathy. I hate that look but I covered my anger with a plastic smile. But that smile got wiped off my face as soon as he spoke.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but you have cancer. At this rate, you only have a few months left to live." Tears streamed down my face as I looked down at myself.

My heart shattered.

Batters up.

I thanked him and walked out the hospital.

My sister stared at me with disgust as my hands trembled. Food falling off the spoon and into the plate. I was making a mess. I sigh and look at the people at the table. Only three people sat around me. My ex boyfriend, now my sister's husband. My sister. And lastly, my ex bff.

I smiled at them and pushed my plate away, gaining there attention. I excused my self from the table and tried to go to the bathroom. I didn't make it three steps as I passed out.


Last thing I heard was their mortified screams.

I awoke in the hospital. No body was there as the only thing that could be heard was my heart monitor. My sister bursted into the door in tears.

"WHY!" She shouted. "WHY DO YOU ALWAYS MAKE A BIG DEAL OF SOMETHING, NOW TOUR LAYING HERE ABOUT TO DIE! WhY dO yoU HavE tO LeAve?" She sobbed out. Crumbing to the floor. Her husband came in and carried her to a seat next to my bed. My ex bff following in suit.

"Because you were always the special one." I whispered, my voice sounded rusty, as I smiled and reached out to her. Tears streaming down my face. I could tell everyone was crying even though I couldn't see them properly. "I was sure you wouldn't have noticed my cancer until it was to late." I felt cold as I heard my monitor slow down. "I was right."

"Say hi to mom for me, baby sister." She croaked out. My smile grew bigger and my eyes closed.

"I will." And with that, I went limp in her hand. The last thing I heard was the line of the monitor going dead and their sobbing.


I got bored so wore this Tell me what you think the moral of the story is. I'll give you the answer and will follow you if you get it right.

Damn this is long.

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