The Intern:Kara- Part 1

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I do not own Supergirl or any of its characters, I'm just Kara Danvers trash. (And I mean come on, if you've seen that woman's biceps you must be too.)

      "Keira! Keira!" Cat Grant called, her voice ringing through her large office. You fidgeted nervously with your hands, tugging down your pleated skirt as you anxiously await your new mentor. Moments after Ms. Grant called, you looked up to see a young woman hurrying into the room, readjusting the too-small glasses that framed her defined, ovular face. You blushed and looked away, and she did the same. 

      "Keira, meet your new intern, this is W/N(wrong name).-" Cat said, gesturing towards you. You gave her a little wave and a smile before retracting it, thinking that was stupid way to make a first impression. It was a moment later you realized Ms. Grant's mistake.

      "Actually it's-" 

      "W/N, this is Keira, she is your mentor, and she can get rid of you any time she likes." She continued as though she didn't hear you. Keira noticed though and gave you a sort of sympathetic smile. You couldn't help but notice her eyes, bright blue and swimming with something you couldn't yet place. 

      You snapped out of it as Cat Grant literally snapped her fingers in front of your face, jumping you a bit. She turned to Keira with an almost pitying look before waving the both of you out of her office. 

      As the two of you walked out, you followed her to her office, where she shut the door and walked over, sitting on the edge of her polished white desk. "So, um.. We should probably get to know each other." She said, and you kind of nodded and shrugged at the same time. What? What was that? Ugh you were not playing it cool today. Say something you mute! You mentally scolded yourself. 

     "Y-yeah, sounds good to me.." You said, reaching up and brushing your H/C bangs away from your eyes. You did not just fucking stutter. Please tell me you did not just do that. Y/N you useless lesbian FOCUS. You gave her a little smile and she smiled back, if not a little cockily you thought. She could probably hear your heart pounding, it sounded loud enough in your ears. 

      All of this, the interview, the internship, meeting.. her. It was unfair, how was she supposed to keep her cool while she was nervous as shit? Seeming to notice your panicky state, she jumped back into the small and awkward start to the conversation. "Well, just so you know, my name is Kara, not Keira. Kara Danvers. Ms. Grant gets everyone's name wrong. I think she does it on purpose. So, what's your name then? Unless it really is W/N?" She asked, and you shook your head.

      "L/N. Um, sorry I mean Y/N. Y/N L/N.. heh." You chuckled a bit, rubbing the back of your neck. Kara nodded, standing up and extending her hand to you with the most adorable grin you had ever seen. You took it, and the two of you shook hands. You were surprised to find she had a very firm grip, while her hand was also unbelievably soft. 

      "So, I've got an article I have to finish, but I should be done soon. How about I give you a tour of Catco and we can go out to lunch after I run it by Snapper?" She asked, and you struggled to find words. 

      Say something! She's asking you on a date! No no no she's not. No no it's just friendly! Don't just stand there with your mouth open, say something you twat! And don't you dare stutter.

      "Y-yeah, sounds like a plan.." You said, smiling slightly as she went as sat behind her desk. 

      Lord help you. 

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