Chapter One

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She woke up to the slobber of her dog. Scout was licking her face, causing Annie to gasp for air. "Scout! Get off, what are you doing up here?" She pushed the big brown dog off her bed and sat up. she looked at her alarm clock and groaned. "It didn't go off again." she looked down at Scout. "I guess you're my new alarm."

She sighed and got out of bed. She made her way to her closet to get dressed for the day. "What do you think Scout?" she asked her pup. "Gucci? or Klein? That will for sure impress Miss Alice Tyler." she smiled. 

After she got dressed she had a granola bar and left her house for school. She took her blue cruiser out of her garage and wiped the dust off of it. "I wonder if anyone will notice me this year." she said to herself. "It is my senior year after all." 

Riding to school was always Annie's favorite. She didn't necessarily like school in fact, she hated it but, the ride there was always something else. Trees all surrounding her making a tunnel of leaves for her. The spring wind blowing her hair in front of her face making her smile. The smell of leftover winter and the chill constantly running down her spine. She loved it. It made her feel so alive. 

When she got to school she locked up her bike and headed inside early so she could go to the library. Annie always went to the school early just to go to the library. She would always get a book and sit in the corner of the room next to the bean bags. You will always find her there. In the corner of the library, book in hand and a slight smile on her face. Completely absorbed in her book. All alone in her little world. The way she liked it. 

When the bell rang she closed her book sadly and headed to homeroom. She sat in her assigned seat in the way back of the room near the window and waited for the teacher to walk in. As usual it was a bore. The teacher talked for what seemed like days while all the other students texted or passed notes to each other. No one bothered Annie and she was just fine with that. She just read the book she took from the library. 

As the teacher droned on, the door quietly opened and someone crept through. Zachery Haven, the school's quote on quote "bad boy". He snickered as he passed through rows of his friends and drooling girls. He sat in the way back and had a look on his face like he was invincible.

"Idiot." Annie muttered. 

"Mr. Haven I hope you have a good explanation for being late." the teacher said without turning around. 

Zachery shrugged. "I was too busy to come up with an excuse." he answered. 

Annie rolled her eyes and went back to her book. She wasn't the only one like that either. Sure, half the school wanted to BE Zachery Haven but the other half wanted to KILL him. There was no in between. The class went on for another twenty minutes before the bell rang and when it did, Annie was the first to leave. Out of all her classes, Annie hated homeroom the most. 

Next was English and as much as she loved it, she also hated it. English was filled with the annoying cheerleaders and the horny jocks. Annie was stuck in the middle of it all. She pushed through all the uneducated teenagers just to sharpen her pencil when someone pushed (literally) passed her. 

"Hey!" she hissed. 

"Watch where your going." 

When she looked up she wasn't surprised to see Zachery glaring down on her.

"Hey Zachy! What's taking you so long." yelled one of the football players. 

"Coming!" he called and ran off without another word to Annie. 

She just rolled her eyes, used to this kind of behavior. Typical high school boys. 


High school. Other known as his layer. 

He had everyone falling for him, just what he wanted. He deserved it, is better wording. He was captain of the basketball team and had a scholarship to one of the best collages in the city. There was nothing holding him back. 

He had every girl in the school on their knees for him but he doesn't have a decent relationship. He has never had a decent relationship. Probably just one night stands and to him, there was nothing wrong with that. Until he saw her. 

It was his freshman year when he was walking down the hall to his first class when he saw her. Flowing red hair and adorable puppy dog green eyes. Her flawless skin practically glowing in the sunlight. Unmarred by makeup totally pure. It was like she was an angel. 

There was just one thing: she had glasses. Glasses = nerd. And since Zachery's older brother practically made him who he is today, he couldn't let him down. He couldn't ruin his reputation, not at the beginning of the year. 

So, he did something extremely stupid. He walked right passed her. Avoiding eye contact they walked passed each other and never spoke a word to each other. Until their senior year where possibly fate brought them together. 

"Hey!" she yelled. 

"Well, watch where you're going." he snapped. 

Zachery stared down at the redheaded angel, trying to keep his cool. Her hair was more curly than the last time he saw her. Her skin, now that he was taking a closer look was sprinkled with light brown freckles. And those emerald eyes seemed to fave a fire in them if he looked close enough. He could only see it for a split second when his football buddy called him over.  

He left her. When he had the chance to talk to her, he walked away. Again. Right then, he felt it was the biggest mistake in his life. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 13, 2017 ⏰

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