Chapter One

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Warning: this book contains gore, death, mature themes, smut, violence, torture, self harm, suicide, and murder. If you're not comfortable with any of the listed, please leave now. Thank you :)


I rocked steadily on my heels as I kissed the mysterious Mr.Evans. I wrapped my arms around his neck intensely. After I did this, I had his full attention.  He was a victim on tonight's hit list, and our plan to take him out was very creative.  His lips moved against mine in sync as he deepened the kiss. He wrapped his hands around my waist, and I quickly pushed them away. Don't fall in too deep. I realized my 'mistake' and fluttered my eyes open. The blonde haired, green eyed hunk stared at me. "You good babe?" He asked me, his voice rough and dry.

I took one of my arms away from his neck and trailed a finger down his chest. "I just wanted to warn you, sometimes I'm an animal so I dont play nice," I said seductively. I felt his muscles relax, and he smirked. "That's just how I like it," Evans replied, looking at my body up and down. I smirked at his response. "Perfect,"

At this moment I couldn't help but laugh. My laugh echoed through out the luxury hotel room. Evans facial expression quickly changed into a confused expression. I then stopped suddenly and gripped his shoulders. I used this motion to pull myself up and knee him in the chest. Evans stumbled backwards and gripped his chest. I lunged at him, bouncing on him. He tumbled to the floor, his back hitting the hardwood.

Evans stared at me with a look of terror. I straddled him, before I looked up at Carter. Evans then looked in the same direction. "What's going on? Who is this? How did he get in here?" His voice rose as he spoke, anger filling his body. I chuckled and leaned forward so my face was near his. "Oh dont worry about him. He's just gonna help you on your adventure," I giggled.

Evans face twisted in horror. "A-adventure? I signed up for a one night stand,not anything beyond that-," He began. I cut him off by placing his hands above his head. Carter took this moment to wrap them in several layers of duck tape. Evans began to squirm, becoming extremely panicked.

"H-hey! What is this!" He began to scream. I slapped him, instantly shutting him up. "Say one more word and I'll cut out your tongue," I threatened him, pulling my knife out from the back of my jeans.

I pressed the edge of the blade against his throat, as the veins began to pop out in fear. "Should I duck tape his mouth too?" Carter asked, running his hand over his head. I looked down at the blonde hunk and smiled. "Lemme do it, he talks too much,"

Once Carter handed me the roll of duck tape, I tore a piece off with my teeth. I then pressed it against his mouth, and instantly he tried to talk. "My God you're an idiot," I said, getting up and kicked him in the stomach. He groaned against the tape, and began to hunch over on the floor.

"Pathetic," I mumbled. I then looked up at my brother Carter. Carter Lockwood. It's odd to think we met six years ago. We're not blood related, obviously. I'm a medium height dirty blonde, with brown eyes, and tan skin.  Carter however was tall with a clean cut hairline, dark brown eyes, and a light skin complexion.

We looked nothing alike, nor were our personalities any better. Although these differences do show themselves, we refuse to let them affect our relationship. "That vent was mad tight. I'm glad we assigned Morgan to a different part of this mission. She'd freak," Carter said, popping his back. I laughed at him, before looking back at Evans.

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