Chapter 1 | Charm POV

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Charm POV

Your probably wondering why we are so mentally fucked up. Well, you see when you go through home after home of people beating you, you become tough. I remember the first home we got placed in. It was with Bob and Carla Livingston. They where nice for the first day until Bob came home drunk, to find me and Chase playing on the front porch. Apparently someone at work had pissed him off and he went to his favorite bar-- The Silver Saloon because as soon as he made it in the house him and Carla started arguing and my sister, Chase, started to cry. Bob heard her and came storming out on the porch. He was yelling, which made her cry worse. Bob leaned down and grabbed Chase by the neck and started to choke her to make her shut up.

"Shut up, shut up !" Bob screamed.

"Let go, she cant breath!" I screamed.

"Shut the hell up, " Bob yelled, in his drunken rage.

I sat there for a minute, as I watched my sister's life slowly drain away. I had enough. I stood and lunged forward and bit the hell out of his arm, taking skin off and he dropped her.

"You little bitch " He screamed.

"Bob watch your mouth and get out of here, or I'm calling the cops!" Carla shrieked.

Needless to say after the hand marks where gone off of Chase's neck, we were returned to our beloved Ms. Rose. That is how this all started. A long line of sick bastards and this "new family" isen't any better.

Ugh, Sofia and her stupid pigtails just pissed me off today it's my twin and I's birthday and she wears those stupid pigtails. I thought as we approach the bus stop.

"Hey Sofia," me and my twin said In unison.

She started stuttering like she always does, as soon as she sees us. It's not my faultt that she can't take a joke. It's not like we have tried to kill her. How were we supposed to know that she was allergic to latex? God, one water balloon full of what everyone thought was "red paint" and everyone says you'd try to kill the girl next door. Well, that's bullshit.

"H-Hi guys," she stuttered..

"Why so nervous, snot face?" my sister laughed. 

Sofia look away trying not to make us mad. She knows she doesn't want to do that because the hell we normally put her through for fun, would become worse.

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