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Skye's Pov:

My room is always a mess, but I mean which teenager's isn't? Various blouses, leggings, jeans and other clothes are streamed all over the hard wood floor. The moonlight gives my room an eerie feel, which could give anyone shivers, besides me. Some people call me steel because I don't feel. I owe it to my mother's extensive training and lessons, she's like a rock herself. Of course feeling that everyone is afraid of me isn't that bad, it gives me superiority.

The ringtone jingles out of my phone muffled by the layers of clothes over it. I swat away different items until I feel the cold hard metal in my hand. The caller ID makes me smile, of course she would call now.

"Hey Al, how is the new town?" I taunt into the phone. "Well, it's no San Francisco but it's homey and my room is nice. The only thing is being the new kid again. I hate school." she moans.

"Get over it already, just find a boy toy and you'll reputation will be set. Trust the Skye method." I reply as I toss some shorts off of my laptop.

"You will never guess what happened on the way back from the store tonight..." she hints. I immediately tensed "What Allison, what did you see?" "Geez Skye relax, Mom and I almost ran over somebody. I just thought it was interesting. Paranoid much."

Hmm someone in the woods on a full moon that jumped out into the middle of the road, as if they had no control. My eyes widened at the thought. "Well good thing your mom has great reflexes."

I picked out some black running leggings and a matching black fleece from the variety of items on the floor. My fingers sweep my frizzy hair back into a perfect french braid down my back. "Good thing, right?" She mumbled.

Finding my combat boats and slipping them on, I examine myself in the full length mirror. My chestnut hair was perfectly out of the way of my face and a black headband, which covered my ears hung on my head. My slim body seem skinner in the black attire that clung to my hourglass figure. The fingerless gloves and combat boats add a roughness to the outfit, perfecting it.

"Alright Al, I'm signing off for the night. Have a great first day. I'll try to call tomorrow." I said."Bye Skye miss you. Kisses to Aunt Kate." she answered.

I ended the call quickly and plugged in my phone as the car lights shined through my window. No way they're leaving me this time, I thought as I rushed down the stairs and into the garage. At least I wasn't the only slob in the house I thought glancing at the mess of cabinets. My mom sells fire arms and she can't keep them organized, shame on her.

I walk over to my cabinet and enter my access code, uncovering a hidden shelf. I grab the thigh strap and secure it into place,the chinese throwing knives follow suit. They aren't my favorite but they work in case of an emergency. The other leg is equipped with a small taser and stun gun, my least favorite. My silver quiver is the best part, it makes me feel like Katniss from the Hunger Games. Slinging it over my shoulder, I clutch the bow and leave the garage. The van is still parked and I catch sight of those familiar golden curls bouncing with the weight of the equipment she is loading. I rush over and help her with the box.

"I'm ready this time, Can I please go?" I pleaded. She strolls along the black asphalt with her signature smirk "I don't see why not. You can't get worse in times of peace." She drawled.

I squealed and hugged her. Sprinting towards the van, I hop in next to my best friend Jordan.

We're the same age and the same class. Our parents have been partners for ever and I love him like a brother. He seems nervous and deep in thought, so I decide to ruin his concentration.

I quietly slither my hand over his shoulders until i'm on the other side and I pounce, growling. Watching him jump in fright sets off my giggles and my whole body vibrates with laughter. When I catch my breath I lean over and whisper in a low heartening voice "You can't let your guard down, even in the van, who knows what creatures lurk in the darkness."

His carefree expression is back as he pushes me away "No fair Skye. I was thinking of strategies. You're so mean." He humphs as he crosses his arms and turns away. I'm about to respond when my mom jumps into the van.

Immediately the atmosphere changes and the tenseness is almost palpable. Our silly expressions turn into grim ones.

"Lets go hunting."

Authors Note:

What do you think? Comment your feelings, favorite parts, really anything. This is my first story and I would love some feedback. Tell me your feelings! Anyways my cover is new and it's my first so also tell me your thought on that. Well i think this story is off to a great start and just thank you to anyones who reads it. Don't worry Stiles will be in it soon enough. This will good practice for your patience. I'll try to update as much as I can but with school and whatnot it'll be a little crazy so i'm not making a formal schedule. Until next time.


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