Diagon Alley

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  I woke up the next morning to a banging on my door.

  "Lilly get up!" I heard a strong male voice yell.

  "Coming!" I groaned rolling over and standing up. It took me a minute, but I soon remembered why I was being woken up so early. I'm going to Diagon Alley today! I can't wait, and couldn't stop thinking about it as I got dressed, brushed my teeth, etc. I rushed out of my room and down the hall to a dining room.

 We are currently at one of the Death Eater houses in the middle of the woods. I guess it would be considered more of a mansion than a house. It's huge, standing only two floors but inside is a maze of corridors leading to gigantic rooms. It kind of has to be big though. Not a ton of people stay all the time, but there are a lot of people there when there are meetings or other events. Most of the people here right now are creepy old men because it was a meeting for rank 30 and above. I rank second after Bellatrix Lestrange who is my cousin’s right hand man, or should I say right hand woman. 

  "Hi Lilly!" I heard being said across the room. I looked over to see my two best friends sitting at the dining room table eating breakfast. Cole and Jake are the same age as me. Jake is two months younger, and Cole is nine months older than me. I sat next to Cole having a bowl of cereal brought over to me by one of the low ranking Death Eaters that work here.

 "How'd you sleep?" Cole asked looking over to me.

 "Fine," I answered, "You?"

 "Okay I guess." He responded turning back to his cereal. 

  I looked over to Cole. He has dark brown hair that is always a mess from him repeatedly running his fingers through it, and chocolate brown eyes to die for. He also has light freckles sprinkling his cheekbones and nose that he absolutely despises. He is staying at the safe house right now because his father is in Azkaban for the murder of Cole's mother. Cole hates his father and his father hates him. Supposedly his dad tried killing him when he killed his mother, but the Ministry of Magic never confirmed it, and whenever Jake or I ask Cole always changes the subject.

  Jake is a very outgoing person I guess you could say. He is at the safe house because his father also killed his mother. The difference between his dad and Cole’s is that Jake’s dad is on the run from the Ministry. Jake has black hair and piercing blue eyes. He’s very thin, mostly because his father neglects and abuses him. Jake is only here for short periods of time, and when he’s not here he is with his father who is almost always drunk and angry. They live in a tiny apartment under the radar from the ministry and in the muggle world. I’ve never been there before, but I know that whatever goes on there leaves Jake coming back to us covered in bruises. It’s sad that neither of them has a stable family, but then again neither does me or anyone else at the safe house.

 “Earth to Lilly.” I saw a hand waving in front of my face. I shook my head and looked over to see Cole and Jake staring at me.

  “Are you almost ready to go?” Cole asked. I nodded and we waited for whatever adult was bringing us to Diagon Alley to get here. Five minutes later Renevan Saranik walked in with a smirk on his face.

 “Are you bringing us to Diagon Alley Renny?” I asked. He laughed at the nickname and nodded. The three of us love Renevan. He’s only 21 years old and watches over us a lot. He and Cole could be brothers they look so much alike. Other than their eyes, Renevan’s being blue; they have pretty much the same features.

  “Are you guys ready to go?” He asked. We all nodded standing up and went to go grab our jackets. After we put them on, we all took hands and Renevan apperated us to Diagon Alley. We all had our lists of supplies with us, but all we could focus on were the shops and witches and wizards walking around us. Renevan nervously looked around, biting his lip, and unconsciously pulled down his sleeve to cover his dark mark.

 “Come on guys, where do you want to go first?” He asked giving us a small smile.

 “Can we go get our wands first?” I asked excitedly.

 “Sure.” Renevan said not so enthusiastically. We walked down the alley, weaving through people and sometimes bumping into them accidentally because we were too busy gawking at everything to be paying attention to where we were going. When we finally reached Ollivanders wand shop there was no one there other than the small old man behind the counter. He smiled at us as we walked forward. There were shelves full of boxes that I’m guessing have wands in them.

  “What can I do for you three?” He asked looking down at us.

  “We are here for wands.” Jake said smirking, probably at the old man asking us such an obvious question. Ollivander just smiled at us and we each tried different wands. Once we were done in there we crossed out everything else from our lists. We got our robes and a ton of books as well as some other things. We soon left after Renevan asked us if we were ready for the third time. I think he was getting nervous from being there for so long, so we put him out of his misery and agreed to leave.

  Once we got back Renevan said he had to go do some work, so Cole, Jake, and I decided to go outside in the huge field that surrounded the safe house.

 “So what do you want to do now?” Cole asked eagerly.


 Hello all my wonderful readers! I hope you enjoyed the chapter; it’s a little longer than the first one. I know the story is probably still a little slow going, but once they get to Hogwarts it’ll pick up. I hope you continue reading!

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