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A week later, I was dragging myself out of the ocean water in a very heavy gown and throwing myself on the sand waiting to be rescued. I'd done my best to look tattered and disheveled and like I'd just been in a shipwreck. The royal crest that all nobles had hung on a long chain between my breasts inside of my dress. I was ready to pull it out and prove myself noble as soon as my recuer came along.

As I lay against the burning sand, with the hot sun on my face, I heard voices. For a moment I even wondered if I was already going mad from sunstroke. But no, it was two men. Both dressed in royal blues, purples, and golds. 

They saw me at the same time and one whispered to the other. 

"Ho, there! My lady, are you alright?" The man who spoke was astonishingly handsome, but truly the same could be said of both of them, though they were polar opposites. 

The one who spoke had dark brown hair and bright blue eyes and the pearliest smile, while the silent one had bright blonde hair and charcoal eyes with dark lashes framing them. He seemed to be thoughtful, studying me with to much intensity. So i returned my gaze to my lovely rescuer.

"Yes, sir, I am truly fine. I," Then I truly began my act, tears poured from my eyes. "I was shipwrecked. My family, the crew, everyone is gone. I, I don't know how. I'm afraid I don't remember. But I have this, sir." I pulled out the medallion. When his eyes fell to the place where I had pulled it from, I blushed. He took it, looked it over and returned it to me. 

"We shall need to take you to my father so that we may bet the bottom of this."

I looked skeptical, "I'm sorry, sir, but what can your father do about this."

He looked surprised before laughing, "Why, sweet lady, my father is King of Laronia. I am Prince Declan."



What in the bloody hell was Harry thinking claiming to be me, the Prince. Understandably, the girl was absolutely stunning. Her dazzling green eyes flecked with amber, the long curly dark brown waves twisting down her back to the sand as she sat before them.

When Harry had asked me to let him get this girl, I hadn't known what he had meant. But at the same time I couldn't help thinking that I would have done the same. 

My what a lovely smile she bestowed upon Harry just then.  

What I wouldn't give to receive one of those dazzling smiles. 

She turned to me with a question in her eyes. I realized Harry had been trying to get my attention.

"Harry!" He waved his hand in front of my face, "Yoo-hoo! We need to get this lovely lady back the the castle before she catches a chill." He pleaded with his eyes for me to keep this up. 

I gave him my most irritated consent and he breathed a sigh of relief. He took off his coat and offered it to her. 

I silently begged her to reject it, she did! "Your highness-"

"Declan! You must call me Declan!" 

"Alright, Declan, I appreciate the gesture, but it is so warm, I am sure I shall be dry by the time we reach the castle." 

We reached the horses and I realized that there were only two. 

"My lady, if you would like to take a horse, I'm sure Harry would be happy to walk." I had the insane urge to tell Harry that yes, HARRY was going to walk!

"Oh no, If we cannot all ride together then we shall all walk together." She smiled that dazzling smile at me, I gave her a small one in return before looking away. Her smile was disarming. I wanted to be angry with Harry, but every time she looked at me, I simply could not.

We began walking. the horses stood on the outsidfe of us, then Declan and I leading the horses and then her in the middle.

Just as I was about to say something to her about her needing to ride in her soaking gown, she laughed. It was such a magnificent sound.

Harry spoke, " What, my lady, is so amusing?"

"I've just realized you do not even know my name. I am Aurora."

"Aurora," Harry spoke the word with reverence. "How lovely your name tastes on my tongue."

I could not stand another word from Harry! 

"My lady Aurora," I spoke...and truly her name tasted wonderful on my tongue as well, "Perhaps you would ride and we would walk?" She looked about to argue and then I noticed her slight wince as she walked and looked down as she favored her right foot. It was probably rubbing inside of her boot. 

Without another arguement I lifted her from the ground and placed her upon my own horse. I removed her boot and beheld an angry red blister on her heel. I took th other boot as weel and placed them in a saddle bag before starting our walk again. 

I looked at Harry who had the angriest look upon his face. Then I snuck a look back upon this beautiful girl whom I carried on top of my most favorite steed.

"Thank you, Harry." I looked up into her eyes and they glistened with unshed tears, yet she smiled.

All at once, her tears were gone and she looked to Harry, "Declan, if you are Prince," then she looked to me, "What are you, Harry?" I smiled a bit, excited to hear Declan's answer. 

"He is my valet, and my very best friend. There is not a better man in all the world." Ha! He only praised me because I was getting him the girl. What would he do when we reached the castle and she found we had lied to her? She'd probably stop speaking to us and smiling at us. I know I could not handle that. So I decided I would keep the lie going, and I would compete with Harry, and if I won...I would tell her the truth. 

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