i. game boy

156 12 10

(this new version follows a new plot so please put up with me!)

You sighed for the umpteenth time today. You had finally (somehow) gotten your hands on the first ever Mekakushi Dan game!! And yet, despite your luck, your computer slowed as it attempted to download all the files needed for gameplay. Hopefully, when you turn 84, you'll get to really play it.

As if your computer heard you and tried to seek revenge, it crashed. 


"Wow, thanks you hell hole of a computer." you muttered under your breath. But just as you finished speaking, the computer started up with the game's start page on screen.

"Good luck playing!!" all of the Dan was lined up and bowing, Kano glancing at Seto with a knowing look. You happily clicked start, filling in all of your information and ready to play for your beloved-

"SETO!!!" you gushed as his face appeared up on screen.

"Good afternoon, [l/n]-san. My name is Kousuke Seto. Welcome to the Mekakushi Dan! We all gather here so that way we don't have to feel alone in dealing with our powers. You can be No. 10! Come with me to meet everyone else!" the options appeared onscreen for you to follow or defy him but you being you, you decided to follow your sweet to meet everyone else.


Everything seemed to be running smoothly besides the fact that no matter how hard you tried, you kept winning over Kano's affection instead of Seto. But, just before you could finally max out on Seto's affection your computer crashed AGAIN! Right when you prepared yourself for a night full of crying...

Rebooting...this make take a moment...

You were still planning to whine over your unsaved info when a voice interrupted your thoughts.

"I can't let you do this [f/n]-san. I want to love you."

You blinked, too far in shock to say a word.

"You've been pining after Seto this whole time, but what about me? You keep winning all my affection! I want to love you but you don't even give me a chance!" His voice started to sound a bit whiney at the last part, triggering a sense of familiarity within you.


Said boy's face appeared on the screen in that moment and he seemed happy, contrary to his previous statement.

"You guessed it was me! We really are destined lovers [f/n]-chan! I knew you were playing for me!"

"But I was playing for.."

"Say no more! I...hey, [f/n], what are you doing?" Kano asked as he watched you fumble around with the computer looking for some sort of time as if his voice were part of the video. But seeing as this wasn't a video and you were obviously losing your mind from lack of sleep, you decided to lay your head down. "[f/n]-chan...if you lay down there then you're going to make this very difficult for me.." You raised your head and looked up at the screen.

"Huh? Make what difficult?" Kano gestured for you to move towards your bed and you followed. He took in a deep breath and grinned.

"This. Come on you guys." Kano's grin somehow widened as he pushed against your screen the monitor seeming to stretch with his movements. Out of nowhere, a pop echoed in the room and a dark figure was shoved out from your dim screen. "Now let's just find these lights...I can't really see too well in-"


A bright light blinded Kano as you shined a flashlight on him. He looked surprised for a split moment before smiling and winking at you. You screamed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2017 ⏰

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