The Garden

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All we know that we do not have limits. All the things we want could be happen if we have the will to make it happen. All we know is we do not have any boundaries. Yes we have no limits, we have time. But how if there is no more time. No chances, no way to recreate the past. Every second, minutes, hours, weeks or years are proved us that the time would never go backwards. Time would never wait.

    My name is Keane. I was a man who almost drown into the loneliness that I made by myself. An office worker who spends almost 70% of the time in his life in front of the desk. 30% is the most precious time remaining in my life and I give it all to dreaming. I didn't do much activity like lots of people does. I don't even interacted much with people. Just couple few of friends that I had in the office. The rest are invisible for me to see. I am not a weird or even a man who had a mental illness like the way they used to said about me. For me who enjoying my lonely time, it was not a bad things when a lot of people staying away. I have my own reason why I choose to be this coldblooded man. They forced me to be it, because I have something that normal people doesn't have. It's been a few years since I closed the way to socialize and just being a friend to myself. Until one night, I met a woman who sitting on a bench in a garden and told me everything. She came and told me the side view of this life, our life's.    

    The sky had now turned black, only dark and a little starlight visible from below. I usually go home around 4 pm. But it wasn't my lucky day. On that day, I had to work until late due to a deadline that I was working on. However, walking at night is not as bad as you think. My office located in the middle of a small town that has a beautiful garden. Every day I have to pass the road in the garden because it is the only way that I had to get to my house. Actually it is just a small room in a house of a good farmer that I rented. They once used to be my neighbour when I was a kid, because I was born in this town. But I moved to live with my aunt because my parents died of an accident back in the day. I decided to go back to my home town three years ago and that garden, it is one of a few reasons about why I came back. It's a beautiful garden with a lake in the middle, the small lights that illuminate on every side of the road and the lack of people there at night. There is only few people and cars that running on the street at the other side of the garden. There is nothing different on that night until this eye staring at a bench there.

    A young woman was sitting up with a smile and her eyes staring at a book. She was wearing a black sweater, black trousers, white shoes, a fairly small bag and a book resting on her thighs. On that moment, somehow this eye kept staring at her. Maybe she was pretty enough to persuade my eye to stare at her. However, she was just a girl and not more than just a visitor like everyone else who was there that night. For unknown reason both of my legs stopped stepping not far from her. I moved my hands to my pants pocket and pick up a cigarette. Stop for a moment and enjoy the scenery around the park. I don't know why I do that, because I usually go straight to my room instead of wasting my time to rest. But I chose to stop that night.

" Good night " A woman voice with a friendly tone.

( My head immediately turned to her for some reason. )

" Uh sorry? Are you talking to me? " I ask her.

" Maybe yes, maybe not ? " The woman smiled.

" Oh, I see? Well, sorry by then."

" Why there is an empty side on this bench, but you're standing? "

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