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Rating: 16 - mild smut
Length: roughly 520 - words short story

"At last" Yoongi let out a long sigh as he lazily swung his body onto the couch in his office, snuggling into the cushions and making himself as small as posible. He loved the way the couch came up at each side making him feel safe and the way the dark burgundy leather let me sink into its embrace. This is the life. No work, no people, no noise. Lunch breaks were heaven.

Soon Yoongi started to drift of to sleep, a nap that would be full of interesting dreams......

~le time skip~

"Yoongi! MIN FREAKING YOONGI WAKE THE HELL UP!" Namjoon shouted trying to shake Yoongi awake. He tried firstly to violently shake his shoulders then proceeded to pry him away from his pillow. This was very unprofessional but Namjoon was the CEO he could do anything really. As Namjoon forcefully and successfully stole the pillow he noticed something, something down 'there'. He gasp as Yoongi writhed in his sleep.
"Mmuuuuhhh more muuhhh faster" Yoongi was now sweating and panting. God this killed Namjoon and his perverted mind.
"Fuck it" Namjoon cursed as he undid his purple tie and clambered onto of the smaller hovering right above his face. "This little shit had it coming anyway". Namjoon placed one of this hand on the side of Yoongi's face and tilted it so he could get a clear view of this pale unmarked neck and began.

Namjoon loved giving hickeys it's like a way of saying "back off bitch he's mine". Yoongi on the other hand hated them because they stood out so much on his paper white skin and made him look like a zombie.
"AYE WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING" Yoongi screamed which made Namjoon jump and fall of the side of the couch and tumble down onto the hard, cold floor. Yoongi sprang up and glared down at his boss.
"I don't care if your the CEO and I am your secretary you shouldn't take advantage of people in their sleep" the older huffed " also you ain't getting any of these buns".

Namjoon got up and brushed of the dust from his crumpled blouse. And glanced at Yoongi with a cocky smile and then down to the secretary's crotch,"O I think I will" and left.

Yoongi was confused. Why was Namjoon kissing him? Why was he bottom? Why did he have a wet dream of Namjoon? Why was he alive? What is the meaning of life? This were all the questions running through Yoongi's head as he paced his private office.

Namjoon had left his tie on the floor with a small note attached;

Call me xxxxx

This little hentai wants the Yoonbum (A/N: HEHEHEHHEH YOAI FANS WOULD KNOW) now hmmmmm. Well to bad I've got a rap concert coming up so he's just gonna have to wait. I hope he doesn't jump on me like the horny little boy he is, Yoongi thought

"Wait! HANG ON! ARE THOSE HICKEYS! Damn you Namjoon" Yoongi cursed. "We'll see whose laughing when I top".

The end

Hello, sorry its rly short but I am terrible at writing so idk.
Credits for idea : MirraK
Sorry for any typos, spelling and grammar mistakes i made.
Go follow my PG account green_tae_

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