Shipping Opinions // Game Ships

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I'm starting with the game shippings.

Since there are a a lot of Game Shippings. I'm just covering the main protagonist shippings.

So let's get started!

Shipping : BurningLeafShipping (Red x Leaf)

Opinion : Okay. I don't technically ship it. But it's a cute shipping.

I ship Red and Leaf with the same person so keep in eye for those shippings.

Points for the shipping : Uh... I don't know. They haven't met each other yet.

Points Against : They are technically the same person.


Shipping : NewBarkShipping (Ethan x Kris)

Opinion : Ohhhhh. This ship. Uhm.. I ship them. But there are holes in this ship..

Points for the shipping : Uh....

Points Against : Technically the same person.


Shipping : HeartGoldShipping (Ethan x Lyra)

Opinion : This ship.... Don't ship it. But a cute ship to be fair.

Points for this shipping : They are good friends!

Points Against : Same as the last Points Against


Shipping : HoennShipping (Brendan x May)

Opinion : Okay... This Ship is cute but I don't ship it. Probably because I'm a ******shipper but still. (I'm censoring it so I won't reveal what shipper I am)

Points for : F. R. I. E. N. D. S.

Points Against : Uhm... *looks at Drew*


Shipping : FortuneShipping (Lucas x Dawn)

Opinion : Uhm... Ship it?

Points for : FRIENDS

Points Against : Barry?


Shipping : ChessShipping (Hilbert x Hilda)

Shipping : Cute.

Points for : ... Uh...

Points Against : Same Person. *looks at N*


Shipping : Nate x Rosa

Opinion : It's Cute..

Points for : Uh...

Points Against : Same Person!


Shipping : KalosShipping (Calem x Serena)

Opinion : Hm.. It's a cute ship but it's a shame people ship Calem and Shauna more.

Points for : Great Friends

Points Against : Shauna.


Shipping : LuminaryShipping (Elio/Sun x Selene/Moon)

Opinion : Cute Ship but don't ship it.

Points for : Uh...

Points Against : Same freakin person.

Since it's still a short chapter

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