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December 9th 2022

"What's the plan for Argo now?" Jemza walked along the road of Urbus lifting her arms up towards the sky. After a long night of laughter and fun it was nice to finally take some time to relax and enjoy the atmosphere.

"Me? Well, the front liners won't stay idle for much longer. I would expect a meeting in the near future to discuss the floor boss." The shorter girl, wrapped in her usual brown cloak walked beside Jemza.

"It hasn't been long since this floor was opened. You think they would try for the next so soon?" Jemza stopped which made Argo do the same.

"They have momentum on their side. They only lost one player during the first floor boss, and that death was avoidable. Hubris killed him, not the game." Argo looked up at Jemza who nodded slowly.

"I see, well I think it's great that there are people like them. How do you think they'll fare this time? I assume this boss is much tougher?" Jemza located a bench nearby and guided Argo towards it so the two could sit.

"They have a strong group of players who are all determined to succeed. Granted their ambitions and reasoning for that determination varies, but the end goal is the same. The real challenge will be keeping everyone unified." Argo sat down and kicked her legs out so she could lean back on the bench, her head pointed up towards the sky.

"What's the next floor like?" Jemza followed suit and reclined back so that the two girls looked upwards together.

"What makes you think I would know anything about the next floor?" The final word came out with a bit of laughter from Argo and Jemza grinned.

"Come on, what's the cost? I want to know."

"Hmm...well, I suppose I might know a little bit about it. It's home to the dark elves and forest elves. They are at war with one another and that is the general focus of the floor. Most everything revolves around that conflict." Argo relented and Jemza elbowed her gently.

"Argo the Rat giving out information for free? Are you getting soft?" Argo laughed and shook her head slowly.

"Maybe I am. There are a lot of things I have to do alone. Mapping out the new floors, locating and completing all the quests, and detailing anything hidden from the beaten path. That being said, once it's done and I finish my guide on the floor, it's nice to have people to talk to. Times like this aren't something to take for granted you know?" Argo turned her hood towards Jemza who nodded.

"You're always welcome to join us. If you're lonely or just need someone to talk to, we're here." Jemza turned and met her eyes.

"Thanks Miss White. I might just take you up on that from time to time. I'll be careful not to intrude too much. I would hate to walk in while you're..." Argo's vision went black as a cloth was shoved over her head causing her to flail about wildly.

"This girl is talking about unnecessary things again." Jayce pulled the hem of his cloak to remove it from her face. Argo sat forward pretending to gasp for air.

"You could have killed me Alchemist! If I were to die now how would our relationship continue to blossom?" Argo dropped her face into her open palms.

"Relationship?" Jemza turned towards Jayce with a raised eyebrow.

"Don't encourage her!" Jayce quickly scolded Jemza who held back her laughter.

"Forbidden love! Employee and employer caught in a web of emotions, and yet my innocent heart can't hold back from its desires!" Argo sat up suddenly and threw her arms out wide before clutching them to her chest. Her head slowly turned towards Jayce, a mischievous smile plastered on her lips.

"Come here Argo."

"No, I'm good..."

"I just want to talk to you."

"Really...I'm alright by Miss White."

"I just want to talk."

"No...really I don't want to.

"I just want to kill you."

"Noooo!" Argo leapt off the bench rolling behind Jemza while Jayce tried to corner her. Willpower wasn't enough to stop the laughter come from Jemza. She held her stomach fighting to breathe while Jayce and Argo circled around her.

"Them?" Two men stood on a rooftop using a chimney as cover while looking down at the trio.


"You're kidding right? Talk about irony." His voice bordered on mockery and laughter. The shield on his back and axe strapped to his waist shifted as he put his back against the chimney.

"Because you tried to kill them? You have bigger things to worry about. The next floor will be important. It houses the quest line that allows players to form guilds. The front liners are already at each other's throats." The second man answered as if he were scolding his partner.

"Yeah, yeah I know. I'll make sure they tear each other apart. I just don't know why you're so interested in them." The axe wielder motioned towards Jayce, Jemza, and Argo who were still scrambling around one another.

"They found something unique with the Thieves Guild. Almost like an accelerated version of what it prepares you for. That's why I've taken an interest in them. If they can succeed, I think they will prove invaluable to us as time goes on. The man down there, Jayce, I think he's begun to understand, but his partner? I don't believe Jemza has quite latched onto what the true purpose of those quests are."

"Oh? And what exactly is it that the Thieves Guild prepares you for?" The tattered edges of the man's chainmail coif jingled as he crouched down. The man next to him did the same, his brown poncho settling onto the roof below his feet. He ran a finger over the edge of a vial attached to his belt, blue liquid spinning slowly within.

"To kill other players."

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