Chapter 4 // Marlene

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Chapter 4 // Marlene

I noticed that Uriah had left to go to the tattoo parlor and take that as a sign that he is staying in Dauntless. I smile a little to myself. Lynn and I had already discussed our test results, despite being told the exact opposite.

We are both staying Dauntless, and hopefully as will Uriah.

He comes back to the compound with a bandage behind his ear. There is a new light in his eyes, I can't help but smile.

"Hey," he called out, jogging to me. I held my breath as I tried to decipher what I saw. Uriah, with his bronze skin, dark hair, dark eyes, one arm up in the air. Coming towards me.

I freeze.

"Hey," he said again, a little breathlessly.

"Hi," I said, wincing at how repetitive that sounded. There was something about Uriah that now catches my attention. I just can't think of what. "So you got a tattoo," is all I said.

He nodded proudly. "I know this is supposed the be a secret, but I love Dauntless and I'm staying."

I hide my gleeful smile. "Cool," I said instead, trying to focus on keeping it casual. "Lynn and I already discussed this, but we're both staying Dauntless, too."

"Cool," Uriah said back. I notice how tense he is. If he can tell how I feel, then it is possible that our friendship will end, and Lynn will feel like a third wheel.

"So, do you want to get some Dauntless Cake before Choosing Day tomorrow?" he asks.

I did not answer.

Uriah blinked. "With Lynn too, I mean," he added awkwardly.

I nodded. "Sounds great. I'll go tell her." Honestly, I just needed an excuse to leave his presence. I wish I could talk to him like I could two days ago. Or two weeks ago. Honestly, I don't even remember when I started liking Uriah. I just wish I didn't.

Or did I?

I shake my head no, and leave to search for Lynn.

She was not hard to spot. Why? Because her head was shaved.

Lynn would be very pretty with long hair; she already had dazzling hazel eyes and quite fair skin. However, having her head shaved like it was then, gave her a tough look, like someone you wouldn't want to mess with. I admired her for that.

"Lynn," I called out eagerly. "Uriah and I were gonna meet up and get some Dauntless Cake before Choosing Day. Wanna come?"

Lynn was hesitant but then a smirk found a way on her face. "You mean he wanted to go on a date, but you were chicken and backed out?"

My cheeks grew hot. "No," I answered rather aggressively.

Lynn laughed. "Sure, I'll come. As long as you keep the romance stuff to yourself."

I scowled, but nodded.

That night, I had trouble sleeping. I wasn't sure if it was about Choosing Day, or meeting up with Uriah. Either way, I wanted to stay calm.

My alarm went off at 8:09 am. I don't think I slept a lot, but it didn't really matter now. I walked with Lynn and Uriah to the dining hall and grabbed some Dauntless Cake.

Uriah's older brother, Zeke, came up to us. "So, today's the big day, huh?"

I stayed silent.

"Wouldn't it be so much fun to fill your tummies with cake and then yak it up at the ceremony?"

Lynn scowled. "We have stronger stomachs than you, Ezekiel," she snapped.

Zeke laughed. "You wish. Shauna can tell me all about you and your upset tummies." With a wink, he left.

I was blushing again.

"Don't mind him," said Uriah, catching my eye. He handed me a plate loaded with chocolate gunk.

I swallowed it in quickly and let the warm taste fill my body.

After we had stuffed our faces with Dauntless Cake, we went on to the Choosing Ceremony.

The rows were packed as people kept filing in. I held my breath and tuned out the Abnegation leader, Marcus Eaton.

He called Uriah. I watched as he strode up on the stage, sliced his palm open, and let his blood drip onto the live, flaming coals.

The Dauntless clapped.

Lynn did the same thing as Uriah.

Now it's my turn.

I walked slowly, trying not to trip over air. People are watching me. Holding my breath, I took the dagger and ran it over my palm. It stings as I squeezed my hand to have all the blood pool into my palm. I winced and looked at the crowd. There was Lynn, Uriah, Zeke, Shauna and so many others that I cared about in Dauntless.

I turned back around and dumped my pool of blood onto the lit coals and watch with triumph as it sizzled.

I am Dauntless.

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