Tagged Part 2

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Melany_loves_potter made her own sets of questions and now I'm doing this.

1. If you could read one book for the rest of your life what would it be?
The Clockwork Three was pretty good. I guess that one.

2. If you were stuck on an island with all your wattpad and real friends, and food is running low, who would you eat first?
Melany_loves_potter for making such a weird question.

3. Pick one celebrity to be your partner in the zombie apocalypse.
Chris Hemsworth would be pretty tough I guess.

4. If you were a avocado how would you be served?
Guacamole, because that stuff is delicious, and I would die happy.

5. Pick one band to live with. 
Either Twenty One Pilots or Panic! at the Disco.

6. Choose either Lays, Oreo, or Pop-Tart to make a new flavor.
Pop-Art should make a chocolate and banana flavor.

7. Which healthy food would be your spirit animal?
A potato.


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