"Reality Without You"

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I wasn't looking forward to school. I skipped & walked the other way as soon as my dad turned the car around the street. I took the bus to the Mall. The bus took about an hour to get there. By the time I got there, it was 9:30.

I walked around & found a place where they sold hamerburgers. I ordered a bacon burger and searched for a place to sit. There was a perfect place to sit by a plug. 

"246!" The number scattered across the restaurant. 

I walked up to the counter fast, picked up my order and sat back down. I plugged in my phone & started browsing my phone. My instagram feed was full of people going to concerts or school. Then my eyes saw something they shouldn't have seen at a moment like this.

It was him. But it wasn't just a picture of him, it was a picture of them. Adam, with his new girlfriend. 

About a month ago, Adam was mines. He was the only thing that made me happy. I still remember the day we broke up.

Adam had invited me to the movies. I invited my friend and her boyfriend, it was a double date. It's silly, but it's fun. 

Anyways, we had gone to see a movie about zombies, since we both had an awkward obsession with them. It was about 7 in the night and the sky was dark, it was a wierd day. My friend left early and it was just us two.

We walked away from the theateres until we found a pond with benches. I had called my dad, hoping he would come a little late so I could spend more time with him. We sat there looking at youtube channels. We were half way through a video when we were interrupted. 

"Hey! Adam!" It was a female voice. 

Adam murmured something under his breath but just waved. 

"Come here! I need to talk to you!" She said getting closer. 

"Who is that?" I asked. 

"Some girl." he didn't even look at me, he just fast walked towards her. 

I couldn't hear anything clearly but I could tell they were arguing. She look frightened, after all he is 6 ft tall. 

She walked past him and went towards me. I stood up, worried as to what was going on. He came running after her, but it was too late to lie. 

She was rubbing her belly, "it's his. I'm sorry." 

I didn't know what to say. I couldn't look at him, I didn't know how to feel. I walked away. I could hear him behind me.

"Wait! Aubrey!" His voice faded out as I walked faster until was running. I found myself in the mirror at a bathroom. I cleaned up my make up and dryed my eyes. Clearing my throat and taking deep breaths, I called my dad again. I stayed there until he arrived.

I sat in the car & my dad asked "are we going home?" 

"Yeah, let's go." I responded with a smile. As soon as he turned on the radio, I put on my earphones.

Remembering Sunday-All Time Low is now playing.

I played the song once again, snapping back into reality. The reality of me without him.

I ate my hamburger slowly. With each bite, I felt more digusted. This is why he left you, stop eating, you're so fat. 

I continued eating, ignoring the voice in my head. I only ate half of the hamburger, it was all my body accepted. 

It was barley 10. 

I cleaned up & walked around looking for offers on clothes. I entered a clothes store without looking at the store name. I saw in the clearence section and went straight to it. I found a pair of pants that looked about my size and some shirts. I went to the dressing rooms and they were full. There was a line of people sitting waiting to try something on. A guy had sat next to me. He had nice cheekbones and a sharp jawline that was covered with a scruff. He noticed my ID from school in my lanyard and started a conversation. 

"You go to Chrome High School?" 

"Yeah, do you?" I said with a smile. 

"Yeah. Why aren't you at school?" he said with a giggle.

"Didn't feel like it." I shrugged. "What about you?"

"Same." he smiled back at me. "What's your name?"

"I'm Aubrey" 

"I'm Jeremy. Nice to meet you." He held out his hand. 

I gave him a handshake and he responded with, "Your hand's soft." 

"Thanks? I think." I let out a small laugh. 

He grinned at me and looked at a girl coming out of the dresser. 

"That's my sister. I think we're leaving. Can I have your number? If you want." He giggled, looking down and massaging the back of his neck. 

I took out a pen and he held out his hand. 

"I'll call you. It was nice talking to you Aubrey." 

"t was nice talking to you. Ill see you around Jeremey." I smiled at him and watched him leave. 

I measured the clothes and bought them. I checked the time. It was 12. I only had three hours left. I walked around the mall some more, looking for hours, or just trying stuff on. It was 1. I should probably get on the bus. I walked to the bus stop. 

The bus took me back to downtown. I walked around purchasing Starbucks and just enjoying the view and the wind. I checked the time and it was 3. I took the bus home. 

My mom interrogated me once I got home,"How was school?"

"It was okay. Is there hot water?"

"Yeah, go shower. We can talk later."

Thank god.

I showered and went straight to bed. It was only 4:30 but I was exhausted. 

I woke up in a room with four white walls and a dim light on the roof. I felt a wave of fear over me. I've never felt this before. I must look for a way out. I touched all the walls looking for a secret door, but none appeared.

I felt trapped

All of a sudden, my oxygen was tooken away. I struggled finding a way to breathe. The walls became blurry and I fainted. 

My eyes opened to a house roof. I got up, and saw a window straight ahead, big enough for me to crawl out of. 

But I didn't feel the floor.

I looked back to only see a body on the floor. My body. 

I floated my way to the window. The ocean with no end lay ahead, and that gave me relaxation.

I jumped out and the ocean breeze hit me. But so did the arms wrapping around me. 

It was him.

He smiled at me, and I fell in love with his smile. I looked back at the ocean, with his arms still wrapped around me. 

He laughed, but it wasn't his laugh. 

It was his. 

And the ocean turned into the desert, with prickly cactus and hot dirt. 

And I struggled to fight his arms. 

"Aubrey!" I heard my mom yell in real life. 

"Wake up!" 

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