chapter 2

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I woke up with this pounding headache. Were was I, this is not my bed. I jolted up and look around remembering what had happened. I was in a queen sized bed that was plain white. The walls of the room were pea green and the carpet is brown. But what really caught my eye was the window I had to get out of here. I got out of bed and went to it. There was lock’s on the outside and even if there weren't  it was way to far form the ground it would be suicide.

 I saw the bathroom and walked in there was another window it was also locked but it was close to the ground and everything brakes I just have to find out how to brake it. i heard footsteps, i ran to the bed and and acted like I was a sleep.

 He came in walk over and mumbled “i guess I hit her a little to hard.”

 “Matt” he yelled, “I think there something wrong with her.”

 I heard my heart beat in my ears great now the other guys is who’s name is Matt is coming. Who knows what there planing to do to me. I heard him enter the room and walk over to the bed he put two of his fingers on my neck checking my pulse.

 “She fine” he said “your over reacting Zack.”

they left the room. so Zack and Matt, Zack is the bigger one and Matt is the smaller one. They left and I got back up I had to find some sort of weapon. I walk around, the room was striped of all sharp or heavy things. I have to find something I tried to think but couldn’t. I heard the footsteps to late the door opened just as I jump into the bathroom. it was zack he walked in and to my shock left the door open. 

 He walk in once he saw that I wasn't in the bed his came into the bath room and turns to the shower I crawled out the door. I got up and ran out of the room looking for the front door. I ran by Matt he looked shocked but quickly comes after me. I ran down the stairs and went into the living room. There it was the door I garbed the handled and shook it.

 “no” I shouted no caring that they would hear me. It was locked 

 I ran into the kitchen and pulled out the drawers. Looking for a knife I couldn’t  find one in time, Zack came running in. I picked up a drawer and closed line him with it. He fell over and screamed in rage. I run over to a window but it was locked also.

 Matt came in and sighed “your not getting out of here so just sit down and stop trying to escape”

  I looked Matt over he had black straight hair,hazel green eyes, and a sharp jaw. I looked for a window I need to get out of here as soon as possible. But I can't  just use force I need a plan so I disidied to go get cleaned up because now that I looked at my self I was a wreck. I have blood all over my shirt and pants. My hair is matted tougher into big notes.

“OK fine, but can I take a shower please,”

the words fell flat and were clearly not true I would never stop trying. I think of my family and sadness washes over me. Suddenly I feel sick, tears come to my eyes but I will not give them the pleasure of seeing me cry. I walk up the stairs and into my room. I throw myself on the bed and let  out a painful sob. I would shower later for now I need to get myself together. To let all the pain out because who knows how long I will be here.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2012 ⏰

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