Chapter 1

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You sit up in your bed. Today's the day... you think to yourself. Your spine cracks and you stretch as you exit your small, twin size mattress.

Dust flies up in your face. The mattress was old. The house was old. Everything you owned was old. That's why today you where looking for a job.

You get up, pulling on your letterman jacket. Rubbing your nose and yawning, you go over to the mirror. The usual bags under your eyes.

You push your hair out of your face and begin to run a brush through it. After what seems like an eternity of brushing, you pin back your hair. With one last stretch, you exit your room.

The seaside waves crash against the shore as a sunlight begins to trickle in. You enter your kitchen and turn on the coffee machine. Since you have a few minutes, you exit to get dressed.

~•Time Skip•~

After getting ready, you decide to exit your rickety old house. Nothing in it really worked, and most of it wasn't even legal. That's the only reason you could afford it.

Granted, the laws didn't matter much to you. You had always lived a life of crime and where a slight kleptomaniac. Most of the stuff you owned was stolen.

Of course, if you had a job this stuff wouldn't happen. But you didn't. So you needed to find one. You pull on your scarf and goggles, ready to disembark.

The sea breeze nips at your exposed nose as you pull up your scarf. The air, as always, tastes salty. You've always hated the air. It was time for a new type of air. Maybe you'd go out into the mainland. What a thought!

(Y/N's POV)

"Well, today's the day..." I said to myself. Hooray. Another job. Like the rest, it would probably only last for a day. Most companies hire and fire me in the same 24 hours. Funny, really.

Well, no use waisting time. I need to get on my plane. She's quite a beauty- and she's the only reason I have to live. Almost all of my money goes to the gas for this thing, but it's worth it. I'd kill to fly this baby every day.

She's an old plane-a propeller. I usually land her in an old field. It's pretty far for most things, but it's hidden from view.

I brush my fingertips across her red, metallic paint and shiver. How long had it been? Too long, that's the answer.

Flying her is like riding a unicorn. She cuts right through the air like butter, and any man'd be jealous of her. She's got an advanced engine but still some of that good nostalgia, what with her being a propeller plane.

Anyways, stop letting me drone on. I need to fly! I get into the plane. Sad, really. It was meant for 2. Maybe someday... but that's not important right now. I need to start her up.

She purrs like a cat and takes off nice and smooth. What'd I say? Like butter. I get to the clearing in no time flat, and it's not long 'till I reach the city.

The only problem is I didn't yet know where I would even find a job. Whoops. Probably should'a thought of that.


Today was a pretty normal day... Black Hat yelling at me, Demencia annoying me, and 5.0.5. Breaking everything. Sometimes I wonder why I stay here. Oh wait-I was forced. But today I had a special job.

Black hat glorified the job as if his life depended on it, but in reality all I was doing was looking for another prisoner.

I step outside, and the air is stuffy. I can smell a slight tinge of... motor oil? Huh. Weird. I hadn't smelled that since...

I walk around the town, getting closer to the city with every step. My eyes dart around and I can feel people looking at me, their eyes burning holes in my head.

I raise my voice softly to ask a girl something. She has beautiful (E/C) eyes and (H/L) hair. "H-hello... I'm looking for p-possible job applicants?" I ask stuttering.

Her eyes meet mine for a second as she lowers her scarf. "Job ya say?" She says. I shiver. "Y-yeah... f-follow me..." I say.

(Y/N's POV)

And that's how I followed a random bag man to his... "house". At this point I don't know what I expected. But hey, a job's a job.

I look around the town wistfully. The sun was in the middle of the sky and birds where darting around.

It seems I was a little too wistful, because I walked right into the path of a car.

The car's breaks screeched, but it was too late. I might as well accept my fate. I could almost see the light when I was yanked out of the path of the car.

I screamed for a second as the figure clumsily held my waist. Whoever they where, they sure didn't know how to handle a lady.

As my vision cleared, I could see a familiar bag. Huh. "Thanks." I utter, brushing off the dust and gravel.

After that whole fiasco, I didn't even talk to him. I just followed. I just followed him into his "house". I was so busy trying to figure out what happened that I didn't even notice the house looked like an actual hat.

     Talk about over-the-top.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2017 ⏰

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