Chapter 2: The ruffs and punks

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Blossom P.O.V
So who is gonna guide us."I demanded. The rowdyruff boys and the powerpunk girls."he said. NO GOT DAMN WAY IN MY FUCKING LIFE ARE THEY GONNA GUIDE ME ANYWHERE."buttercup yelled. Yeah no pest are gonna guide me."bubbles said. Yeah noway im gonna let some weakling touch my bubbles."boom said. thanks boom."bubbles said.

Sorry b-b-buut I cant change that."he said. fine."we grumbled. Bubbles is that you."brat said. No im a giant fish."bubbles muttered. WHO ARE YOU."boomer yelled. DONT TOUCH HER."boomer yelled. as he punched boom. BOOM ARE YOU OK."bubbles shrieked. DONT TOUCH MY BOYFRIEND OMG BOOM TELL ME YOUR OKAY."bubbles cried. Yeah im ok bubbles dont worry."boom said. bubbles walked up to boomer and water slaped him. Boomer dont ever touch my boyfriend or i will back head slap you keep you infected hands away from him."bubbles said angry. why do they look like us."brick said. BECAUSE WE ARE THE ROWDYROCK BOYS."They yelled. Bubbles new personality I like it."brat said. We are the posion puff girls."bubbles said. Out of nowhere bubbles and boom was full blown making out on the lockers.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2017 ⏰

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