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"He's so cute." I smiled holding Lanas new baby boy. They named him Kaleb.

" Thank you." Lana smiled.

"Of course." I smiled.

"No I mean thank you aria for everything you helped me so much through my pregnancy and just in general." She smiled.

"Well you're my sister I would do anything for my girls." I smiled as she packed her bag for kaleb.

"I want a baby now." I smiled.

"Well then tell the boys to leave you and Harris alone." Bella laughed walking into the room. "Now how's the little one?"

" here you can hold him." I smiled.

"He's so tiny." Bella awed.

"So where are the boys?"Lana asked.

"I'm driving you home the boys are there." I said.

"Oh okay." Lana said.


"Here we are." Bella smiled Lana was holding kaleb in her arms and I opened the door for her and we walked in the dark house.

"CONGRATULATIONS!" The boys yelled making kaleb Cry.

" guys seriously?" Lana asked.

"Aw thank you boys you guys are the sweetest. No problem Lana." Hunter said.

" Here hon I got him you should go freshen up." Gavin smiled at Lana who handed kaleb to him.

" Are you sure cause I-

"Gooooooo." I said nudging her.

"Okay okay fine." She said and walked off.

" He's adorable he looks like you." Ruenelle smiled.

"Really?" Gavin smiled.

" yeah he has your eyes and your nose." AJ said.

" aw I want a baby." Bella whined.

" me too." I pouted.

" well why didn't you just say so?" Harris put his arm around my shoulder which I shook off.

" you're still annoyed?" He whispered.

" no cause you've been sleeping on the couch because I'm not annoyed with you." I whispered back.

"Babe I said I'm sorry." He whispered.

" not now Harris." I said.


I was now at home with my parents and Harris' parents Harris had left an hour before they came.

" So where's Harris?" Rahim asked.

" I don't know he didn't say where he was going." I said.

" he didn't?" Mom asked.

"No." I shook my head just then the door opened and Harris walked in.

" Hi." Harris greeted everyone.

"Hi where were you?" His mother asked.

"Out." Harris said looking at me I rolled my eyes.

"I'm going to make the tea anyone want some?" I asked they all nodded and I went into the kitchen to start the tea and Harris walked in.

"You're not going to ask where I was?" He asked.

" there's no point you wouldn't tell me either way." I said.

" well I was with the boys helping to make make kalebs crib since Gavin waited last minute." He said.

" okay." I said getting the sugar but struggling Harris reach up behind me and got it down I turned around and saw him looking down at me.

" that's it?" He asked.

" yeah." I nodded.

"Are you still mad at me?" He asked leaning in I turned my head and pushed him away.

"Does that answer your question?" I asked.

"Yeah it does." He pouted.

" okay good then can we talk later right now I'm kinda busy." I said taking the tray of tea out to the living room.

" So when's the wedding?" Dad asked.

" in January of next year." Harris said.

"Aw it seems so far." My mom said.

"Yeah I want grandchildren already." Umaima said.

"I want kids too ar-

I gave Harris a look and he stopped talking.

" I wish I had that power." Mom said.

" doesn't every wife?" Umaima laughed.

Our parents soon had to leave so once they left Harris sat me down.

"Can we talk?" He asked.

" Harris-

" No listen we're going to get married and couples talk things out instead of ignoring each other cause that doesn't solve anything so we're going to talk so sit down." He said I did as told knowing he was right.

"I'm sorry." He said.

"Do I really make you feel like you have competition?" I asked.

" i just feel like I do." He said.

"But you don't and I'm sorry I make you feel that way." I said.

"You don't I don't know why I said that it's just something I feel. I just feel like I have to be the perfect guy."he said

"Harris you are the perfect guy for me." I held his hand

"Really?" He asked with a small smile.

"Well I agreed to marry you didn't I?" I asked.

"Good point." He chuckled.

"And keep that in mind." I said.

" I will." He smiled and pulled me in for a hug.

" good." I said.

"Do I have to sleep on the couch?" He asked.

" No baby." I laughed.

" oh thank god." He sighed.



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