Author's Note
Copyright © 2017 RaRa• R H Y M E S •
Gatorade in my hand
Tryna search for my part of the land
I peep your moving and grooving
Tryna leave without me, a lil bit concerningDumb
Dumb bored
Dumb short can't see past the dashboard
Dumb litty poppin mollies lol not really
Dumb misspelling writing so carelessly like it was a felony
Dumb grammar, grammar nazi I suppose to be but I only care for the commas see
Dumb stupid I would be not to use commas, separately words can make a whole difference to me
Dumb wanting for a little mister, so he, can foresee, a little future with me.
Dumb bored as I said before, hit you with some "rhymes" like I would if I could have a little confidence to get up on a stage to speak like this wasn't just a phase.Love. Hope. Faith.
Writing could be fun
If you like withering in the sun
This making no sense
Oh wait look it's a picket fence
A white picket fence that represents a simple life of a maiden with no stress
But take a look closer you'll see the maiden who appears to have no stress under the pressure of a whole lotta mess
Lot of things represent the outside, but everybody got demons inside
Quick to judge but no one quick to love
Love is forbidden, whether your aware or not.
Love should steer us but instead it leaves us.
Love. Hope. Faith.
Keep it around ya
These three things can never fail ya
Only you can fail you, so look again
Keep in mind that change only comes from within

HumorThis a book full poems and short stories. From deep and thoughtful to fun and cool. Not everything starts of right at the beginning but there's always a result at the end. The result ending with something good or bad is up to you.