Special chapter : Happy valentine

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A/N : beeefore you say anything. I just wanted to do this special chapter as a Valentine just for fun. 

February 14
" Valen- the what?  " The princess of Altea questioned the paladins that were sitting next to her. Lance sweat dropped at his cousin but he couldn't blame her,  after all she doesn't live in earth, actually the paladins find when their princess was clueless is actually cute and adorable. " Valentine day princess, it's a day when you give your partner who you love chocolates, but you can give them for your friends or family " Hunk explained " Oh I see. So I can give everyone of you some chocolates!  Alright we're making a party this night " Allura chripped . Well lance being lance blushed deep red and hid under his hands. Keith noticed that and wondered what's the matter. No one knew about the relationship lance and shiro were having only Pidge and Allura. Shiro didn't dare to touch lance out in public,  he just kept in secret.

That day lance and allura were in the kitchen as lance was teaching Allura how to make chocolates,  the other paladins were making their own chocolates for everyone,  even Coran was making chocolates. Allura still didn't understand how to temper the chocolate but the crew helped her. The kitchen was full of decorations and chocolates and uncleaned bowls. It was a total disaster
Lance was having a very hard time dealing with his heartbeats , the party was on,  the musics,  the princess and his friends but he was concerned about a certain black paladin. Shiro was talking to the others normally,  Shiro is always open hearted,  he was the best and the best person on the whole universe {{ COUGH COUGH}} 
They started giving chocolates out,  lance was happy to receive a chocolate box from Shiro  " Guys wanna play spin the bottle?  " Pidge inquired as the others nodded at her. Keith had been silent the whole time when the bottle spun around and stopped at lance and Shiro,  jealousy stroke Keith like there was no tomorrow. Watching his brother and the one he wants kissing!!. Allura and pidge squealed gay and boys love around the room.

Keith's POV
That kiss was supposed to be mine!!  I thought angrily that's right I needed lance and I wanted him but my brother. The perfect Shiro has kissed my lover on his lips. Fully on his lips!!  I heard lanace moaning in Shiro's lips,  he had his arms around lance's hips while lance had his arms around his neck. I growled quietly trying to contain my feelings. I don't know how I lasted the whole night after that kiss. Lance and Shiro exited the room for 10 minutes so I decided to follow them I couldn't believe what my eyes were seeing.
Shiro had lance pinned to the wall,  KISSING HIM AGAIN!!  QUIZNACK WHY!!  lance was holding on Shiro tightly as they kissed , shiro entered lance while they were kissing,  the worst part that lance MOANED Shiro's name!!!  HE SHOULD BE MOANING MY NAME NOT SHIRO'S
Then it hit me like a flash.. I am going to steal lance from Shiro even if it was the last thing I'd ever do

Sakura : Keith is jealous. Oh boy uh oh. See what happens on the next chapter,  stay tuned!  💞 Saradasennen yula_neko_lover1234

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