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Ever since I see her I could not stop think about her. There something about that name in the user that make me want to be friend with her. Maybe more but I can t tel yet. I got notificaton from her on wattpad. The think of her name make me wet. She butt in on my conversation with someone. Tipical her. She was annoying to other but no t too me. I only even felt this way with yugyeom. I don t no what going through my head or why she make me feel in this way. I decided to go too her private mesage and text her

hey baby

She start to type. I blush.
I here tapping onmy window It was her

"Omg how you find where I live"

She smile "I know my way"

To be continue

xXDeathxX_ I love you

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2017 ⏰

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