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stormies POV

I grabbed Carter's hand and walked up to our hotel room. carter opened the door to see boys huddled in a circle with sad eyes. I walk past them to get to my bag.

"Stormie.... babe I have to tell you something." taylor said grabbing my hand

I went around him to the bathroom to change to : http://www.polyvore.com/m/set?.embedder=9989702&.svc=copypaste&id=117974506 . I walked out and see taylor crying.
"Stormie I cheated on you with Emily."

I smiled " I already know she told me." I say calmly.

" I'm sorry babe!!" he says running over to me.

"sorry isn't going I cut it" I said poking his chest. "we are over ." I walk to the door.

"ok I never even wanted you. I cheated in you for the whole time we were together."

that's when I broke down.

"yo bro that wasn't cool." nash says
"ya really not cool." cameron said
"that's wrong" matt says
"wow just wow." Aaron says

I slid down the door and cried really hard. I mean hard.

Carter ran over to me and tried to comfort me.
"thank you carter I love you ."
"anytime and anyway stormz , I love you with all my heart."

I snuggled with him and soon my eyes got heavier but then I remembed I had my swimsuit on . I went to the bathroom to change to spandex and a blue v neck. I went to my bed and told carter to come over .

all of a sudden all the boys except taylor.
" WE ARE HERE FOR YOU IF YOU NEED ANYTHING BABE" they all shouted at the same time .
"thanks guys."
I say drifting off to sleep.

boring chapter.
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