The call

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"Mom someone is on the phone for you his name is Telinho smith." Rose came into my study/safety room made out of one hundred percent iron. I laughed to myself the names that my father and brothers uses are getting funnier every time they change it.

"Heyo Telinho what's going on hehe nice name you boys are using how are Dean and how's dad." I smiled but the next thing I hear makes my heart drop.

"Dad's been missing for awhile and hasn't returned any of my calls and hasn't been back from his hunt in weeks I need your help." Dean's voice there was hint of fear and sadness in it which made me worried cause he doesn't cry or anything even over dad.

"Okay meet me at the road house." I sighed and Dean ended the call.

"Mommy is everything okay?" Rose came into the study again.

"Baby I have to go for awhile you need to watch your sister I don't know when I'll get home but if you need someone go to the road house you know where it is correct?" I asked.

"Yep mom I know where it is at night put a fresh coat of paint on the devils trap and salt the windows and around Ruby's bed and mine and lock the doors and windows." Rose spoke and I smiled and hugged her than went to pack my weaponry and clothes than went to hug the girls good bye. Once I arrived at the road house the first one I saw was Ellen she was behind the counter and got out my favourite bottle of beer and handed it to me I went to get some money out.

"It's on the house how's your dad doing." Ellen asked.

"I don't know Dean just called saying that dad has gone missing and hasn't been back from his hunt in weeks I feel that he might be tracking down the damn evil son of a bitch that killed our mom and now both of my deceased husbands I'm worried about him Ellen." I sighed and the next voice that filled the room made me smile and turn around to see my twin brother Dean and I ran to him and we hugged. After talking to Ellen and Jo for awhile we got on the road first stop was at Sam's college.

"Dean just leave him would ya him and dad didn't get along and if we find him they'll be back at each other's throats again." I yawned not realizing how exhausted I am with taking care of the girls always getting Ruby off to school and training Rose for well now.

"Fine whatever you say Mina."Dean looked at me and noticed that I was exhausted so we drove to a motel and rested for the night.

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