Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

"Bring in the accused." Linus's voice was uncharacteristically serious as he sat in his ornate chair, not quite a throne, that held him above the rest of the council chamber. At his side, Melania was staring down into the pit that was kept far out of reach of the council seats. It was rare that someone was brought before even the small council for a trial.

On the king's right side, Reanna and Aurelius were watching quietly. They would be part of the proceedings, but it would ultimately comedown to the king to pass judgment. Standing next to them, Giles was frowning at the door that led down to the dungeons wherein the accused had been sealed and guarded day and night by the royal guard.

On the king's left, his other three daughters sat lower than the crown prince and princess. Nat had her note board on her arm and was waiting with a quill pen poised above the paper and an inkwell sat between her and Andromeda.

Down in the pit, a full retinue of guards were standing around the perimeter. None of them would risk the chance that the madman could escape. Or, worse, hurt one of the many lords and ladies that had come to observe the trial.

Standing with them, by Andromeda's request, Nero was waiting with a dark glare, one hand tight around the hilt of the Tacenda, for his foe to arrive. Linus had allowed his presence only because he was the one who had captured Vasili. If the madman tried anything, it would be Nero that would take his head.

The doors opened and two guardsmen carried in Vasili, all bound in chains. His leathers had been removed and replaced with prisoner garb, including the boots on his now bare feet. From what Andromeda understood, they had all been burned this morning.

Vasili didn't appear distraught about their loss. He was smiling around at all the fanciful lords and ladies that had come to see his sentencing.

"Vasili Xenos of the southern tribes," Giles announced softly, his voice echoing around the chamber with surprising clarity. "You are being charged with murder, to an unprecedented degree. You are also being charged with the attempted murder of the royal family on multiple occasions. You have broken the laws of our god and godmother on our soil, and the laws of your own goddess on yours."

Linus glared down at him. His normally friendly face didn't wear a scowl well, but his eyes were hard and uncompromising. "The evidence against you is overwhelming. You will die for these crimes. You can only hope that the goddess of death has mercy upon your soul."

Vasili laughed, his chains clinking together almost merrily with the movement. "The death goddess? Is that the worst punishment you can offer me? The war goddess is far more terrifying a mistress."

"Yes, and she can't wait to see you dead," Nero promised, growling.

Vasili laughed at him through his teeth.

"All we want from you, Vasili Xenos, is information," Linus interrupted his mirth. "Give us the name of the man who hired you, and your death will be a swift one."

"That's really not much incentive to talk, now is it? How about a prize? I'll tell you if you let me go back to the south. What do you think? I go back to playing with my own people, you never hear from me again. Sounds fair, eh?"

"Just because they aren't my people does not mean I am willing to unleash you upon the south. Accept your death with grace. You are already going to the goddess of death's realm with an untold amount of lives delivered there prematurely by your hands. You might as well try to undo some of the damage you have inflicted while you still have a chance to do so."

"You're very bad at negotiating," Vasili pouted.

"Don't mistake this as a sign of reluctance from us."

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