Neighborly Talk

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(Y/N) P.O.V

I like my neighbor, he seems nice. I also enjoy his company, and he just loves to laugh. I love his laugh... it is quite soothing. What I dont understand is why people try to sneak into his house? It is strange, because why sneak into another persons house? For what Boris tells me is that these people would sneak into his home and try to find something of his. They dont steal anything, they just go and search for something, but what is it that they are looking for that doesn't make them steal or even do anything else? Many things cross my mind and such, but what ever it is I must leave it alone. A person's secret can never be told or even be exposed. Secrets are meant to be secrets and I'm a person who keeps secrets and leave secrets alone.

Boris's (The neighbor) P.O.V

The more and more I talk to this women I can feel a spark of a new friendship coming along. Though I'm not entirely sure if she will sneak into my home and find out my secrets, but she seems like a neighbor that minds her own business sometimes. As I was enjoying her company A question popped into my head that I feel the need to ask... a question that should help me know if anyone else will be coming.

(Y/N) P.O.V
As I was enjoying my burger I noticed Boris was looking at me. I believe something is wrong, but then again he might be spacing out. "Is something wrong Boris"?

Boris's P.O.V
"What? Oh hehe no nothing is wrong its just... well forgive me for being a little rude if what I'm about to say even counts as rude but..." She looks at me with those peaceful eyes waiting for me to say the what is on my mind. "Are you in a relationship? I'm just asking because you had a lot of things you were unpacking that seems a bit to much for a lady such as yourself to have, there seems to be a lot of food here that we both know that we won't finish, and you seem to be to nice of a person to be single". She then blinks and began to turn red... oh hell i think i might have pissed her off.

(Y/N) P.O.V
Oh my... I didn't think he might ask me about my love life. The question caught me off so much that I began to blush. Well it does seem like I'm in one at the moment considering I do have a lot of things and I do seem to nice to be alone, but I guess its only right if he knows. "No... I do not have anyone special in my life. Well I used to but not anymore. My Ex was a nice guy, but I was wrong. He cheated on me for some hotter women that has a big fancy house, works for a big company in the city, and even makes more money then I do." I tried not to cry while talking to boris but the tears came any ways.

Boris's P.O.V
Wow... what an asshole. I was going to say something else, but then (Y/N) began to cry. She shouldn't be crying for this sorry ass excuse of a man, but then again she really must have loved him if she is crying like this. I got up from my seat and hug my (Y/N) to calm her down a little. "Forgive me Boris for crying like this, but if you gave your heart and soul to the one you love then you expect them to do the same. Instead they take your heart, rip it apart and walk all over it with their new lover and laugh all the way down to the fucking church to get married". Wow... she is really truly heart broken. "And even if were not together anymore I still keep all of his secrets and fears." Wait this women literally still keeps this bastards secrets. If it was me in her shoes i would have exposed everything of his. Why... why keep his secrets a secret. That is a question I truly want answered. "Why do you still keep his secrets if he had done you so wrong?" "Secrets are precious so they must be left alone".

(Y/N) P.O.V
After I had calm down I told Boris that the reason why I'm still so upset about this is because all of this happened last month. "We were going to move in together in this house, but he had other plans". I look at Boris and see that he feels hurt about what happen to me. He really doesn't have to feel bad for me. I just really wish none of this happened, but it did. "Forgive me Boris, but you shouldn't be sorry for me. Besides I now know that he wasn't the one for me and that there is plenty more fish in the sea". Boris then smiles at me and then sits back down. He picks up his glass of lemonade "To new beginnings". I to lift up my glass "To new beginnings and to new friends... Cheers" and our glasses clink.

No-ones P.O.V
After they talked and ate their food Boris and (Y/N) gave each other a hug and said their goodnights. (Y/N) went inside and smiled to herself and went to bed. Boris however sat in his living room thinking about (Y/N)... he was thinking about what she has said earlier.
"Secrets are precious so they must be left alone".

Boris P.O.V
"Secrets are precious... so they must be left alone". I have never heard anyone say that before. This women truly is something different... hmm maybe she won't sneak into my house after all.

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