Buddies? (tfw x best friend reader)

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a.n.- I guess this would also be a bit of destiel so you're welcome XD

          Sam and I were sitting on the couch both eating cereal when cas poofs in , "hello Sam, (y/n) ." cas says nodding as dean walks in and stands in the doorframe sipping a coffee .

"hey buddy" Sam says friendly-like. "Sam, you are my closest friend, no offence (y/n)" cas starts ,"none taken mate" I reply.

He continues, "but I am already deans buddy" he says looking at

dean . I chuckle and mutter "....yeah fuckbuddy" before taking a bite of my cereal. Dean suddenly chokes on his drink "Excuse me ?!?". "I asked you not to tell (y/n)!!" cas exclaims like a teenage girl .

Sam just sits quietly , eyes wide , "oh I'm sorry ! I thought it was obvious ." . ", I  kind of figured too" , Sam finally speaks up . "come again?!" dean says shocked. "oh, come on dean we all know you and cas have a thing going on." , he just looks at me "HOW??! I've been working very hard to keep it private." He states obviously confused .

Sam then pulls out his phone and shows him a whole folder of pictures of dean lovingly staring at cas "really dude?" Sam says with a smirk . "well fuck, come here cas I guess it doesn't matter anymore" dean says pulling cas into a very intimate kiss "AHH GET A ROOOM", I say covering Sammy's eyes like he's a five-year-old.

It was weird when I said bite of cereal , how should I phrase that lol.

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