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I'm suffocating

I can't breath

I feel as though

The world is closing in

I'm lost in the dark

I'm scared for my life

I can't take it any longer

I lean towards the blade

I hurt to cover the pain

Ironic huh?

I like the hurt

I smile at the painful pleasure

But out of nowhere

I see a beautiful face

I see it smile at me

I know I am loved

A hand reaches out

It takes my blade

And with it all the hurt

I smile a real smile

I know the touch of my angel is true

I know that this angel is forever mine

I see its love

I know its touch

But time passes

I start to fall again

I claw aroung

I don't want this

I reach for a hold on reality

I hate this feeling

Trust me please!

That is what they all say

I hate myself

I hate my life

Unloved, is what I am

Unlived, is what me life is

Hated by all

Scorned by all

Deeper, and deeper

Darker and darker

I lean towards the blade

I hurt to cover the pain

Crazy I know

But it helps

Where is my angel now?

Gone, like all

None will last with me

Always to good to be true

Nothing is going to change

So I let go

I fall

I don't care....

But I open my eyes

And standing there is thee

The one love of my life

My angel stands there

Beautiful eyes

Wings mystical

Black, stretching

They seem to never end

Upward, outward

In, below


Thats how I describe it

I know the love now!

I need the love,

I can't fall

Again the blade goes

But this time My angel doesn't

There My angel stands


I'm pulled into loving arms

Filling me with love

I stare at the lips,

The beautiful lips comming to mine

Our lips meet and this feeling is like no other

Strong, senuous

We move like a tango

Slow, meaningful, passionate

I know love know

I know strengh

My angel is my strength

It is my love!

I hold to my angel

Never wanting to fall again

Even so I know

That if I do

My angel will bring me back up

Okay so I want to thank a certain people who inspired this, I wont say names but you know who you are XD. I love you all!!! And I am really happy that you bother with my work XD even though I know its not the best, I'm just glade its out there, I wanna thank forcefromabove for helping me get this work out there, I'm glad he did THANKS CUPCAKE!!!!!! I love you all XD!!!

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