Moving to Alabama

378 10 2

Pastels P.O.V.

'Lord give me strength to sit on this plane next to this annoying ass child.'
I think as I sit on the plane waiting for it to start.

"Excuse me ma'am i-"

"Sir" I cutt off the flight attendant

"what?" She said looking puzzled.

"I'm a boy" I answer.

"But you passport says you're a fe-"

"ignore that" I bite back not in the mood to argue.

"Ok Sir. Would you like to switch seats with the old couple over there because they don't have much room at the back of the plane for their belongings" she says looking all happy and smiley.

"Sure" I sigh.

"Thank you very much" She beams.

"Mhhm" I hum.

'Jeez, the plane hasn't even taken off and im pissed' I thought

Yes this is a short story

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