Chapter 1.

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"Hi, this is my daily update from out here in Montana. I'm Taylor. I'm going to give you a little information about my life, I'm 20 living on my own with my cat Marda. I'm blind and wear hearing aids to listen. Enough about me, I'd love to hear back from you guys."

I published the paragraph. I want to see who replies. I've been trying to find someone but I haven't had much luck, maybe... This is my chance. I need someone. Every guy has left me, I became blind at the age of 14.

Meaning I've been blind for 6 years, also meaning, I've been on and off with dating. I just want someone to hold me, but that's not happening. It's hard being out here all alone. Being blind just adds onto the feeling of loneliness. I have depression.. Its hard.

I know being out in the middle of the woods doesn't help anything, but I can't be in a large city because of my blindness, I think it would be a bit harder for me. Knowing how easy it would be to get hurt, it would be hard. Harder than it already is.

Anyways, enough about that. My life besides that is kinda exciting. I go a bunch of places even though it's hard. I was listening to the news, an Axe murder is on the loose in a town about 20 miles away. This is kinda another reason I like being out here.

Nobody knows about me or my house. When I go to the store I'm just kind of the mystery woman. I'm completely fine with that. I love being mysterious. I love that nobody knows me. Especially in situations like this.

I got up and went to my couch. I turned on my favorite show, Family Guy. No, I couldn't see it, but it was still fun to listen to and imagine how things are happening. Its like creating your own story but you didn't write the script. I kinda really love it.

***this is the end of chapter 1, I hope you all enjoyed!

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