We arrive at a small home in a large neighborhood. The man carries us through the door and we see two kids watching TV. One boy and one girl who are both around 8 years old.
"Daddy! Did you get the candy?" The girl asked her dad.
"Yep" he responded as he put us down on a counter.
"Can I put them in the bowl?" The little boy asked.
"I want to do that!" The girl shouted at her brother.
The kids started fighting and their dad poured all of us out of our bag into a purple and orange basket. The man left to make sure his kids didn't kill eachother. We couldn't hear anything for a few hours until we heard footsteps running down the hallway. The boy appeared in a cowboy costume and the girl had a princess costume. They couldn't have thought of something more creative? I'm glad I'm at the top of the basket so I can see everything. I just noticed that they have a tiny Chihuahua puppy chasing them. The kids go outside and the puppy runs outside and runs away.
"Dammit" mutters the dad as he runs outside to chase it. The kids come inside and both take a Reeses from the bowl.
"Dont tell dad" says the boy as he takes one from next to me. The girl takes one from the very bottom and shifts me so I cant see as well. The kids scarf down the candy and it makes me uneasy, it looks painful. I never thought about being eaten. I'm scared now and I want to move to the bottom of the bowl.
The dad comes back with the Chihuahua and the kids look innocent.
"Can we go trick or treating now!"
The girl shouts.
"Alright, can I trust you to stay together?" Their dad asks.
"Yep!" The boy says while they're walking out the door.
"And don't leave the neighborhood!"
The dad shouts just before the door shuts.
A few minutes pass and there's a knock at the door.
"Trick or treat!" I hear three kids say.
The man picks up the bowl and I can see a little girl dressed as a bee, a boy dressed as a ninja, and another boy dressed as an astronaut. The kids each pick a Reeses cup from the basket.
"Thank you!" They say and walk away to the next house. This happens a few more times until its around 10, when a girl dressed as a 'cat' comes and she takes me. I sit in her bag with some other candies. Some more candy gets piled on top of me and its a good thing I don't need to breathe.