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Rose p.o.v
I see Tyler holding my rist and shouting at Kyle "what did you do to her I will kill you if you did this" Tyler yells while still holding my rist it starts to hurt but I dont let anyone see but I think Tyler notice and he let goes of my rist and says sorry and walk out the café

"OMG did Tyler just do what I think he did" shouted Macy " you act like he kissed her so shut up now" Kyle says and walk out the café I follow him out but he does not know I hear him talking to someone and I hide behind a wall

"I did nothing to her ok I was trying to see if it was hurting ok"he wispier yell why is he apologizing he never does that " I know but you were suppose to make sure her dad did not hurt her in till I come get her when I have proof  but dont tell her because if I cant I dont  want to give her hope and than cant do it ok are secret"Tyler says

What I should be making that choose not him but but before I can go tell them off i hear Tyler  say something to Kyle  " make sure she goes to the party I dont want her to get her punishment today ok" and he walked away and Kyle starts to come my way and I go back in the café and seat down

" So Kyle there's a party want to go" said Macy I informed her before he came in " of course he is going tonight its going to be big I hear Tyler going to be there and he is planning something big" I say looking at Kyle while smiling he just looks at me and Macy and we both smile "umm ok w we can go t t to the party" he stutters he cant keep anything from us " why you stuttering you dont have a secret do ya" I say still smiling trying to scare him" of course he doesn't rose he knows better" Macy says

" I dont know his enemies seem to be getting close" I say and smile and stick a fry in my mouth and walk out the café with Macy and we dont look back  leaving Kyle looking scared the rest of the day Kyle have been trying to avoid me

I get home and I see a car it looks like no it cant be im not that lucky I walk in and go straight to my room and I see my favorite Cuz in my room looking through my closet and I jump on her and we fall back laughing "nice to see yall still got that creepy little ninja trick you learned" she says in her little Southern accent

"Yep" I say proud " why were you looking in my closet" i say" because your friends and you are going to a party yaaaaa" she screams my dad must not be here" no way my dad will let me go" i say " yes he will i already told him he knows he is scared of me because i have proof of him punching you bye the way im ready to give to the police when you are" she says " no you already know my mom loves him and i love her so no" I say

"Fine lets get you dress"
(sorry I was to lazy to actually right the whole getting ready thing is right now they are arriving that the party👍😘)
"We are here " says Macy we go in and I spot Tyler staring at me and so is some other guys but I just brush it off and go to the bar because  I dont like wearing this dress I go up to the bar and ask the guy for a martini he says " kid umm I wont give that to you" umm why" because I was told not to give you anything beside water or soda" he says " well you must have me mistaken so can you please just give me my damn martini please"no" fine can I just get a beer Plz" no" he says and walks away so I go and grab a beer when he is not looking, so call me crazy I want to rub it in his face when he turns around he Starts laughing loud but the music is louder

" How the hell did you get that" he says laughing " when you were not looking i was using my ninja skills on you" while I was walking away he screams i like you I blush and go to the dance floor were my friends are and I dance, I can dance I just dont like doing it in front of people but im to drunk to care

"Rose have you been drinking" Tyler says looking angry " nooooooookooooooko im sooo fine right noow" I say laughing and poking his head " ow stop it that hurts come on im taking you to my room" knnnnnooooowwww I Wang to stay herre and partyyyy Luke no other" I say wait who is luke no I said like yeah" who the hell is luke rose"Tyler yells oh I guess I did say Luke well I'm drunk wait am I I'm taking ok in my brain wait what I'm so drunk I can't think can I breath I start to laugh

"Im drunk dont hear me out yaaaaa" I say I hear sirens and I drop to the floor and I hide my the bed and scream "hide the pop pop is here the sirens hurt" I cant just leave her but I have to take care of the police umm" he says I start laughing " you know you are thinking out loud right" he laughs and I hear the door open and I scream "lllluuuukkkkeeee"


Am I good at writing drunk people😂😂 who do yall want Luke to be the bartender or a cop or another Cuz or a random boy that thinks she is cute or Kyle or be Tyler brother yall comment down there and tell me who yall want Luke to be love ya😘✌️


Me:How was this chapter Random:Face palm 👋👋👋👋😂😂😂😂

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Me:How was this chapter
Random:Face palm 👋👋👋👋😂😂😂😂

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