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"You seem to be in a good mood this morning."

"Huh? I feel the same as always," says Jennie, looking at her friends. She notices the playful suspicion in their eyes as the four of them sit at their usual spot in the courtyard before class starts.

"No, no, you're definitely in a better mood than usual," says Lisa, poking Jennie's arm. "Did Taeyong do something to put you in a good mood?"

The girls were not blind to notice how often Taeyong was around Jennie; whether it was on their way to and from school or the glances he took in their direction during their lunch time, they spent a lot of time together. The girls, however, previously chose not to mention it much, knowing that Jennie had only recently opened up a lot and trusted them, despite only having really become friends a week and a half ago. She was practically the missing piece to their puzzle.

Jennie's cheeks turn bright pink. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Lisa was probably kidding, but based off of your reaction, it seems like something happened that we don't know about," Rosé gasps, the other girls giggling.

"Why else would you be blushing?" Jisoo wiggles her eyebrows and Jennie does her best to think of anything that will rush the blood from her face back down.

"I promise, nothing happened," says Jennie, shaking her head. "Plus, if he did, it wouldn't matter because we're just friends. He also lives right next door, so it's hard not to spend that much time together."

The girls look at her with wide eyes. She must've forgotten to mention it.

"It all makes sense now," says Jisoo, thoughtfully tapping her chin with her finger.

"Yeah, we all just thought he was following you around," says Lisa. Rosé nods her head besides her.

"Apparently he's been waiting for you by the gates after school too," she says. "At least, that's what his friends told me."

Taeyong's been waiting for her? Jennie just always assumed that they had impeccable timing, but then again, she just never really gave it much thought. If anything, she couldn't understand why he'd go out of his way for her.

"Wait, so if he really was a creep, you guys were just going to let him do whatever he wanted?" Jennie asks, feigning fear on her face.

"Well, we all know Taeyong pretty well. He's harmless," says Rosé, waving her hand nonchalantly. "He can barely hurt a fly. Honestly, I think he's probably scared of them."

"Yeah, he's basically just a walking cinnamon roll," says Lisa, shrugging her shoulders. Everyone collectively gives her a look. "What? It's true!"

Jennie stifles a giggle as she tries to shove the image of Taeyong as an actual cinnamon roll out of her head.

"Cinnamon roll or not, he's not so bad. We weren't sure if you guys were really friends or not either," says Rosé.

"Yeah, you don't talk about him much," pipes up Jisoo.

"Well, I guess we're friends," says Jennie, trying to choose her words carefully. "Well, closer to acquaintances, but we're pretty civil. There's just not much to talk about."

"Yet," Jisoo grins mischievously as Rosé and Lisa giggle. Jennie tries not to think too much about the implications of that single word.

She considers telling them about the previous night along with the event involving the bubbles but decides to keep her lips shut; she'd rather not deal with their teasing more than she needs to right now.

At the sound of laughter, Jennie's pulled out of her thoughts. She looks across the courtyard and sees Taeyong amongst his group of friends as they laugh and continue to mess around with each other, simply having a good time. She admires the little crinkle in his eyes as he tilts his head back, playfully shoving one of his friends with his hand, looking out of breath from laughing so hard. When he leans forward again, his eyes flicker in Jennie's direction and he does a double take, keeping the boyish grin on his face as he waves his hand at her.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2020 ⏰

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