Chapter 18 Conclusion to the first Chapter

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With my eyes closed i used my powers to hone in on a presence exactly like mine, and i wasn't very shocked when i found out it was outside of reality. i used my Omnipotence to teleport straight to my future self, and there i found him sitting on a throne, like in my dream, but this time it was floating. "you like it?" future me asked with something like wine in his hand. "how about we wrap this silly game up?" i asked him. "i take that as a no. hmm, disappointing, i was hoping for some real criticism, after all i made this days ago, and have been waiting for you." "what do you want with me?" i asked. "your power." he replied with an intent to kill on his face. i drew my sword and held it tight, as i got ready for the first person to strike. future me got up from his throne and his sword was created out of thin air. "now, let's finish this." i said and instantly jumping at future me and clashing our swords with such intense pressure that the air began to run away from us. i closed my eyes and imagined a purple flame being lit. when i opened them i saw my future evil self's eyes had the purple flame in them. we didn't need words to know, that our fight was gonna end here once and for all. my body began feeling loose as the purple flames effects started kicking in. "darkness, heh." i thought. future me and I clashed for what seemed like an eternity with our swords. my sword eventually started being covered by a gray light, and i saw future me's being covered in some sort of purple and black light.

without emotion, or hesitation i stabbed future me through the chest, once he gave me an opening, but he was unfazed by it and stabbed me through the heart, of course my powers allow me to negate all pain so it didn't do anything to me either, so now we were at a stand still with both of us soaked in our own blood, waiting for the other to give out. finally i spoke while we waiting. "so, you remember in anime, the main character get's pissed enough to be considered Over Powered, right?" i asked. "Yeah, but this isn't a game, and this is real, so just die already." he said. "well guess what? i'm really, really, mad!" i shouted and making the first move twisting my sword through his chest and then releasing it, and using everything i had to think of a move that would end future me entirely. "you forget, i'm invincible, at least now i am." i didn't know what he meant, until i saw his body regenerate and then he took out his sword that was in my heart, and used Omnipotence to cut my body to the brink, even in the form i was in, the pain was too intense to ignore. i struggled to my feet with my sword stuck in the ground as a cane. "i'm not done, yet, you're gonna die by my hands." i told future me. he laughed. "fool, I've surpassed the limits i put on myself, and even managed to put you in tatters, something you've never felt before, i assume. so, how could you possibly beat ME!?" i stood on both my feet and raised my sword, before tossing it away. "easy, i just need to overcome my limits, and then overcome yours!" i shouted. "man, you really are an idiot." future me whined. "AHHH!" i screamed using my powers to raise my strength as far as i could imagine. "what's this...purple and white aura surround your body, hmm?" future me asked intrigued. i stopped screaming, calmly said "shut up." just then the ground shook with a shock wave that was directed towards future me and flung him back threw, and breaking, his throne, and then pinning him against a wall. ", the edge of reality?" future me struggled to speak. "didn't i already tell you? 'shut up'." i said and suddenly future me screamed in agony as he was forced and being flattened by my power. "how, did you suddenly become so strong? was it that annoying yelling earlier?" future me asked. "no, it wasn't that you just became this strong, you knew how to do this before the fight, you've been holding back just powerful you can imagine yourself being, can't you!?" future me analyzed. "i told you this was bothersome, or did i?" i asked myself. "anyway, just die already, then i'm putting the seal on my mind back." future me laughed just before a huge explosion around him overtook his voice. i went back inside reality, only to see a beaten up future me on the ground in a huge crater, and not only that, he was alive, but just barely. "i'll be dead soon." future me said desperate. "i guess now, i can finally be with her....Mel-" just before he finish a woman laughing and a portal appeared before me. future me recognized the woman's voice and was shocked. "Y-you're! Melissa! you're alive!" future me was blushing, but i had bad feeling about this. "oh, is that worm still breathing? i'd hoped he could take himself out." the woman said. "who're you!?" i asked. "oh, right, you don't know me, my name's Melissa, not that it matters." Melissa said. "M-my love! how are you alive, i thought!" future me was given a disgusted look by Melissa as she told him "Love? since when did i eve- oh wait, now i remember, i used that line so you'd be easy to manipulate. after all, i am the one who destroyed your world." future me wasn't exactly understanding what she meant, and neither did i. 

"explain." i said. "you see, when i met this version of Jake here, he had no idea what was happening. his entire house and family had been destroyed by nuclear warfare, that the Two most powerful powerhouses went to war with, and so when he returned and only minutes before the entire planet had been completely reshaped and almost no humans survived, that is only the weaklings, or the fortunate made it out of the end of the world. i found this Worm crying over his loss of his parents and friends, decided i could use him. i manipulated his situation so he would do anything i asked, and then i figured 'what if' i was the one who forced the planet to blow in the first place? then i faked my death after meeting the current me you see here, and i am now about to go blow the hell out of that planet." Melissa explained. after she was done gloating she suddenly realized "why did i just say that? i wasn't planning on telling you, or anyone about that!?" Melissa asked. i had a half grin on my face. "you see, i haven't sealed my actual power, yet. i was gonna wait until future me died, but i guess now i should handle you, huh? although i'm interested in this story, so i guess i'll just sit down and listen, while you tell me more." i explained. "NO! i-will not tell you!" Melissa struggled. "just stop resisting and tell me the whole story already." i said. after a few more seconds of resisting she finally started talking and gave in. "you see, i needed to find someone who i could manipulate into letting me in here again. i needed to come back here so i could regain the rest of my power. after fighting an old hag over a three hundred years ago i was sent to an alternate earth, the one where i found that worm over there, but before i was sent completely through, i used my powers to keep my mind and memories intact, and also i kept some of the power i knew how to use well and waited for the perfect moment come back here, and exact my revenge!" Melissa continued "so now you get!? you stupid Worm! i never cared about you, you were just a broken record i controlled in the palm of my hand!" future me was shocked, but before he could say anything Melissa used her powers to make a beam of light go straight through his skull ending whatever he was going to say, before it even began. "heh, well see ya." i told her. she was shocked as i walked away. "you're not gonna get all mad at me!? i just killed a version of you! and you're gonna walk away!?" she asked furious. "yeah, i don't care what you do, it had nothing to do with me anyway." i told her, and then vanished. as Melissa stood there shocked she calmed down a bit and then said "he's right, it doesn't concern him, now to find out where that stupid hag is, just wait, because i'm coming for YOU 'A'." Melissa then disappeared into the shadows and the scene fell quiet.

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