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First real quick I want to thank my amazing friend Dannela who took the time to help me edit this. Thank you so so so much!

If there's anything we forgot to edit, sorry :/

One more thing, I've been away from Wattpad for a while trying to improve my writing a bit, please let me know if you like it, hate it etc. As always I'd appreciate it if you'd Fan, Vote, and Promote ;)


Ray's POV

 "Ray! It's time to go!" A deep thundering voice yelled from


I sighed, looking in the mirror at my reflection.  Unwavering, unnerving violet eyes stared back at me. My long golden brown hair brushing  against my shoulders seemed almost awkward to be down. I debated putting on some sort of makeup, then gave up. Turning to my left, i grabbed my bag and headed down the stairs.

 My dad was at the door putting on a nice jacket over his blue t-shirt,

trying to make himself look nicer. He turned and saw me, a smile appearing on his face. He was tanned and well built for a man in his forties. His amazing lime green eyes a praising me. I looked down trying to smooth out the dress I was wearing. It was navy blue and simple, stopping just below the knees.

"Can you stop looking at me like that? I feel like a dork." I said,

chuckling nervously. 

"You look great, more like your mother everyday." he chuckled. He looked at my shoes and laughed.  I was wearing my favorite pair of dark blue converse. "Nice shoes.  It really ties the whole look together, my little Ray of Sunshine." he said stepping forward to peck me on the cheek.

I rolled my eyes at him, "Yeah, you too with the jeans and blazer."

His eyes crinkled into my favorite smile. "What? I think we look...dashing." he said standing up a little straighter.

"Lets just get this over with Huh?" I said grabbing an overcoat and

umbrella as he agreed fervently with me. We only dressed up Iike this on really special occasions, and this was one of them.

It never ceases to amaze me, how it pours every year on August 12th.

The day she died. My mother. From what I can remember, She was amazing, so beautiful in all her glory and so kind. When I was 3 she got really sick, and then when I was 5 she finally let go. She sure held on though. I wish I could've gotten to know her more. I only remember bits and pieces here and there. Dad used to tell me about her all the time, but I stopped asking. I could see how it ate at him inside. Now every year on the day she died we go out to this Italian restaurant, it was her favorite.

We sat down and ordered and talked while we waited for our meal. Not about anything in particular, we talked about the shop Dad owns, about school. We talked about Mom a little.

"Do you know why it rains every single year on this day?" my dad asked me.

"Because it symbolizes all the tears I would never shed?" I asked in a joking manner... well partly joking. "Sorry, I was kidding." I said to my fathers stony glare. "It was because she loved everything about the rain."

He smiled and looked out the window steadily watching each drop as it fell from the sky.

I wish I could be that strong. I wish I could stand against the rain with my head held high. But that's just not me. I'm a coward. I choose to forget my problems, and burry them deep down so I can make myself think for a little while that nothing is wrong. I could never face them the way Dad does.

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2012 ⏰

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