Shooting Ranges and Truth Bombs

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"GOOOOD MORNING TEAM TEN!" Jake shouts at his camera as he sprays everyone with the water hose. We were all gathered in the kitchen eating breakfast.

As soon as the water hit Chance, the Ohio boys went wild and started tackling each other.

"Americans are crazy!" Emilio says as he takes a spoonful of his oatmeal, causing me and Ivan to laugh.

It was a normal day in the Team 10 house, boys shouting and running around, someone doing something stupid, the usual. I was sitting in the office couch with my laptop open on on my lap and my phone in hand. "I have a crazy idea!" Jake shouts out of nowhere.

What is it this time? "We're going to go to a shooting range!"

"Yeah's" and "Oh's" came from the boys in a shouting manner. We were all ready to go, there was no need to wait for anyone. We filled the Team 10 van and headed to the Angeles Shooting Ranges, it was a 50 minute drive from Melrose Avenue, where we were staying in the old house. We stayed at the old house because the damage they caused haven't been fixed and we had to watch over it for some reason since there were still people coming over and vandalizing on the property.

Once we reached the place, Jake talked to the manager in charge and we were set to do as much shooting as we wanted.

"Ever shoot a gun before?" Anthony asks as he put his goggles on.

"Oh please." I grabbed the gun from the table and walked out to the range. "Watch me."

I held onto the gun tightly, set my eyes on the target and pulled the trigger. Bullseye! "Doubting my skills?" I chuckled.

Anthony together with Chance, Jake and Emilio looked at me in disbelief. "You go girl!" Erika says as she enters the range giving me a high five.

"Never doubt my skills." I whispered into Anthony's ear and smirked.

Chance then shakes his head to get away from his trance, "That's hot."

"Back off, Sutton." Anthony then replies to Chance's comment.

I know how to handle a gun because of my father. He used to be an FBI agent, before he succeeded to make his own company, meaning he had guns at home on hand. One day, I saw the gun lying around in his room and I picked it up. That same day, my father taught me how to use one for protection.

We were in the range for at least two hours. Until all of us grew tired. Nick was done for the day and headed to the van, I came with.

"Hey, Nick." I said as I called his attention.

He looked at me from the driver's seat, "I think I'm actually falling for Anthony."

Nick looked at me, "Isn't he your boyfriend?"

"Cut the act, Crompton. You know why I'm here." I sighed. "I can't do this any longer, Anthony obviously wants a steady relationship and I can't keep lying to him."

Nick shushed me, "They're coming."

This was all a mistake.

As T10 was filling in the van, Nick started the engine. Jake brought his truck with him since not all of us can fit, Tristan tagged along with him.

Anthony sat down beside me, "How was the range?"

"Exhausting." One word replies meant I wasn't in the mood, Anthony knew that. So being the good guy that he is, he respected it and just sat by my side till we reached the house.

I can't keep doing this to him. I had to tell him.

When we reached the house, I went straight to my room. It was his feelings over mine. I went to the office where it was only Jake and Nick. I closed the door behind me, "We need to talk."

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