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                 The insane

Pain and shame

We will gain

And die in Vain

They blame it on fame

We blame it on the game

So let it rain

On us insane

Ride the crazy train

We play the game

All the same

You may be sane

But we are drain

Have no aim

No one to blame

To burn with the flame

Our insane

But we gain

Our pain

Can not tame

Can not go lame

So if you die in vain

What I say is the same

So, is no blame

No shame

Just your pain

as you burn with a flame.


                Your chain

   Its swallowing me whole..  takeing over my very soul. Makeing me crawl..  oh so dull... ive been ripped apart.. ive had to restart.. but never have I felt like this... oh how I miss... the very bliss of your kiss.. you have left your mark on me... you see.. it here for all to see..  never more am I free.. chained.. my heart is claimed by the very one that does not want it. so I sit..  wanting to nit this heart back togethor..  wanting to be alone forever....



There is always something in the air a piece of dust and my hair. No emptiness, in all this...but even with this no emptyness. I feel like an abis of...nothingness.


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