Foolish Heart

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I've been killed a thousand times, broken to the core
Had to help myself back up,
Abandoned in this war

The war between my head and heart, for my hearts a drunken fool
Disregarding any reason, breaking every rule

I've told myself a million times, I'm better on my own
Until I saw the king of lies, upon his satin throne

Comparing my rags to his fine gown, I thought myself a peasant
So to him I gave my bandaged heart as my love-bound present

Reluctantly he took my gift, grimacing at it's bruises
Looked down at me in pleasure and deceived me with his ruses

I loved him for his graciousness, he loved me for my beauty,
But even more he loved the way I'd gladly bear his duty

I promised him my everything, he promised me heart break
If I didn't give him all of me, put everything at stake

I became unhappy, my brightness began to dim,
Which displeased the king of bigotry, for all was about him

So he locked me in his chamber, and he threw away the key,
Told me for my cruel, weak actions,
I'd rot for eternity

He slammed the door behind him, left my crushed pieces behind,
So I sat within the shadows with no company but my mind

I tore myself to pieces, believing every word he said
Became disgusted with my being til I wished that I was dead

But soon I reached my lowest, every tear I had was shed
So my spirit lost emotion, and my heart formed scabs of led

With every day I grew stronger, lost empathy for the beast
Who had held my heart with puppet strings and brought me to my least

So I'd finally had enough, and I broke down the cell door
Walked right through the castle gates to the throne room to win this war

There I saw the weasel of a man I'd somehow learned  to love
Sitting in his fancy chair with gluttony as his new glove

I walked straight up to him and said "I thank you for this lesson.
I've learned to save my heart for those who will put me before them."

A smile was the last thing that the cowardice did see,
As I sunk my blade of strength into his chest for none but me

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