chapter six

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The crunching of twigs and leaves filled my ears as we walked. It was beginning to get cold and the sky signaled rain, possibly even a storm.

"Are we almost there?" Rosie asked.

No one answered because soon enough we were standing on the porch steps to cabin 15. The door was pushed open and it was barely lit inside. I knew what I needed to do. I had the photograph tucked safely into my pocket.

"Where did you say the batteries were?" Piper asked.

"They were inside somewhere I just remember seeing them." I said earning sighs from Piper and Rosie.

"We need to hurry." Piper said. I wasted no more time walking inside towards Amelia's stuff.

I dug around her drawers and eventually found the picture frame and sighed in relief. I placed the picture in the frame and sat it back inside the drawer.

"I can't find them in here." Rosie said.

"There was a cellar around the back maybe we should go there to check, surely they have some." Piper suggested.

"I'll go with you." I said.

"No maybe you and Oliver should stay here and look, because you did say you saw some in here." Piper said. Rosie agreed and followed her out.

I picked up the journal from the first time I came in here, and realized there were pages missing. Who would come in this cabin just for paper? This made me think that it was Amelia herself more and more.

Suddenly I heard a scream. Oliver and I jumped up to see what was going on, but before we could Piper ran back inside.

"Guys it's Rosie this guy came out of nowhere and he attacked us. He had a gun and I think he's going to shoot Rosie you've got to help." Piper said quickly.

"Come on we have to hurry." I said, but Oliver stopped me.

"No you stay back, you've already been through enough." He said not giving me a chance to react before running outside with Piper.

I sat back down on Amelia's bed and tried to calm myself down by distracting myself. I picked up the picture of Amelia and her family and looked it over.

The woman in the photo I assumed was Amelia's mom and the baby was her sister. The story never told what happened to her family though.

I was interrupted from my thought when I heard someone shut the door. There stood Piper drenched in water from where it must've started raining. Her hands were both hidden behind her back.

"Where's Oliver and Rosie." I asked.

She said nothing, but instead took a step towards me. Light from the window shined on her face. I noticed splatters of red covered her face.

"What's on your face?" I asked, causing her to take another step towards me.

"And what's behind your back?" I said, my voice shaking at this point. She stood about eight foot away.

Instead of answering my questions she did something bone chilling. She started laughing. Not the kind of laugh you do when someone tells a joke that you find hilarious, it's the kind of laughter that lets you know you're out of luck.

"Stupid naive little Sabrina. If only you were like the teenage witch then maybe you could use your magical powers to cast a spell that would make me disappear. Too bad life isn't all fairytales and rainbows." She said.

"What's behind your back." I half whispered.

"Oh you mean this?" She said point the object at me. "It's just a semi-automatic. No bid deal." She laughed.

"Don't do this." I pleaded.

"Don't do what?" She said taunting me. "Get my revenge."

"What're you talking about? Why are you doing this, killing all these innocent kids?" I asked.

"Innocent!?" She yelled. "These kids are far from innocent."

"What did they ever do to you." I asked.

"You are so dumb. Don't act like you don't know. I'm here to get my family's revenge." She said. I racked my brain for any possible conclusion for how all this made sense, but nothing came to mind.

"My name is Piper Filling, also known as Amelia Filling's niece." She said. Suddenly my world came crashing down. Amelia had a sister who had a daughter. Her niece.

"What do you want with me?" I asked. "I've never done anything to you or your family. I didn't even know you before this summer."

"The people of this camp all deserve to pay for what they've done. This camp has done nothing but tear my family apart. They killed my aunt. Mrs. Allie's daughter was Sally, you know, my aunts bully. She is one of the main reasons why my mom suffered from depression after Amelia's death." She explained.

"I have had enough of my family found through the pain that this camp has caused. So I'm ending it. No more camp which means no more chances that what happened to Amelia could happen again." She said taking in a breath of air while sobbing. "They didn't even go to jail for what they did to her, no they just died. They should've suffered like Amelia did. But it's okay because this all ends with you."

"No please don't." I said trying to stall. "Tell me more about it I want to know."

"If you're trying to stall me so your ride shows up, don't bother I already took care of that." She laughed. "Your mom never saw it coming."

"No!" I cried.

"Say goodbye." She said.

Then she aimed the gun at my head and pulled the trigger.

I jerked up in my seat gasping desperately for air. I could feel my heart pounding in my chest. Suddenly I heard the music playing in my ears. It was the song I was listening to the day I first came to camp. Did I survive Piper's gunshot?

"Sabrina!" My mom called as she ripped my earbuds out of my ears. "Shut that junk off we're almost there."

I sat up looking around. It looked exactly the way it did the first day of camp. I was in my moms car surrounded by trees and nothing else.

Suddenly a sign came into view. I froze when I read it. In sloppy pink and blue letters it read Mrs. Allie's camp for talented boys and girls.

"No mom please don't take me back!" I begged.

"What do you mean back you've never been here, besides we both know I'm not forcing you to do anything we both know you secretly want to be like me." She said.

None of this was making any sense. I was just shot. I should be dead. Did I dream it all? If so, that was one vivid dream.

My mom pulled into one of the parking spaces separated by logs. The exact same space she pulled into the first day of camp.

I peered out the window and everyone looked different, I didn't see anyone familiar.

I decided there was absolutely no way I was getting out of the car. After five minutes my mom started pounding on the window. I shook my head vigorously to which she pulled the door open.

"Get out of this car right now Sabrina." She said. She practically threw me out of the car by my hair. "This nice girl offered to help with your bags."

I looked behind the car and there stood a girl my age. She looked oddly familiar, but I couldn't place her.

"Hi." She said.

"Hello.. I'm Sabrina Wincotts." I said hesitantly. She dropped my bag on the ground and smirked.

"I'm Amelia Filling. You're staying with Sally, Grace and I in cabin 15."

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