Make up or Break up?

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Liam's POV

After I was done eating breakfast I was going upstairs and then Sydney came out of the bathroom and boy does she look beautiful! Sydney was wearing a yellow sun dress with her hair up in a bun. I wish that she would talk to me. I have to fix this.

Sydney's POV:

I was coming out of the shower and Liam was coming up the stairs. I saw him then turned around and kept walking to our room when I got inside Liam grabbed my hand and said "I didn't cheat on you Sydney"

I asked him, "Then why did Abby find you kissing another girl?" I ran out crying and slammed the door in his face.

I ran into the bathroom and was crying I thought to myself "What did I do to deserve this?! I thought he loved me after all we've been through he had to cheat on me!

I got up and went up to the sink, and did my daily routine. I ran into our bedroom, Liam wasn't there. I looked on the bed and there was a note: I'll be home at 6:00. I thought to myself "I'm sure he went to meet his "New Girlfriend. Why should I care what he does or where he goes?" I picked up the note and threw it in the trash can.


Abby's POV

I was on my way to Sydney's house I got a call from Sydney she sounded really sad and she really needed me so I left right away

Liam's POV

After the whole fight that we had in our bedroom I grabbed my keys and left I was going to meet up with Harry and I left a note for Sydney saying that I would be back at 6. I hope she read it.

While I was on my way to Harry's I got a text from Abby

A: Hey Liam what the heck is going on with you and Sydney?!

L: Well she thought I cheated on her but I didn't

A: Oh...did you?

L: Well...a little

A: How could you?!? Sydney loves you a lot don't you know that?!?

L: I'm sorry I'm sorry and yes I know that she loves me

A: Don't say sorry to me. I think Sydney deserves an apology. If you do love her then why did u do it!?

L: Well Abby, I have to go now bye

A: Bye


A/N: My co-writer for this book is Angelina_Payne13

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