part 1

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Before you guys read this, this chapter is before I finish reading the last book of "Heroes of Olympus" so if anything changes and I didn't get it right tell me what I got wrong.But please please don't spoil it thank you.

PS I can't really upload that often cause of family reasons.  

Annabeth POV

'Annabeth' Nico shouted as he ran to me 'Can you go get the Soll brothers, Clarisse, Chris, Piper,Jason,Thalia and Leo. where having a meeting in the rec room.' Nico was wearing a black aviator jacket and some sunnies with some black shorts with white stripes coming down from the sides.

'Yea sure and uh why I we having a meeting with only the Soll brothers, Clarisse, Chris, Piper, Jason, Thalia, and Leo?' I Asked

'Oh, you'll find out...'

When Annabeth finally got everyone to the rec room she asked Chiron what was happening.

'Well, all of you guys are going the Goode high school with Percy! But keep it a secret if you want to surprise Percy." Chiron said

'Wait so I get see Seaweed Brain? Yes!' I shouted

'Now I can pummel him to the ground at school' Clarisse said as she punched the air.

'Hey I get to see my main man Percy' Leo said happily 

'When will we be leaving Chiron' Nico asked

'Tomorrow, so you should go get ready we're leaving at 8 am' And with a happy note everyone left to their cabins.

I woke up with a start I just had a nightmare about how Percy controlled the poison in Tartarus and how I was so scared.I got out of the cabin and went to have breakfast, I took my food to the river and ate.This was where Percy and I kissed under water.It was time to live Chiron gave them a brief summary about where we were staying, he said we were staying in a mansion, everyone seems really excited about it. He also said they we were going to get our owm cars.

'Sick' Shouted Leo.

After the meeting, everyone got their thing and got into the Van and drove off.

When we reached the mansion everyone was in awe.The house was painted white and had spiral pillars at the door, the door was huge. Two golden double doors with shining silver handles and black hinges.We all stepped into the house, a huge hallway with a spotless white wall that led into two different rooms.There were golden display benches (A/N I didn't any what to call them so I called them benches) with trophies.Even one them had Percy's Minotaur horn that he got from the first time he got to camp when Hades captures his mom.

'Wow,' Leo said 'this place is huge'

'I wonder where the theater is' Nico said with a grin 

'Guys Let's go check our cars first come one' I suggested And they left to find the garage.


Hey guys and gals I hope you like this first chapter and like i said i am not finished the "heroes of Olympus" yet but i am pretty close. And i also want to tell you that i can't upload that much for now because of personal reason but i will try as i can.

love you bye *_*

-     -_-the_bomb-_-

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