Untitled Part 5

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  Sometimes I wish I could just give up on life.
Let it all go.
Inhale and exhale. And never breath again.
Just say the simple words and I'll stay. But the only one that can do that is me. I feel as if I have lost this battle
This battle we call life.
On the outside I'm sweet and innocent.but on the inside I'm a wood bridge about to break.
It's been paired pink and blue and green but under call those cotes is the black one that has hidden in bright colors and gleam. But that bridge is old and cracked and foiled, one more crack and it's gone.
It all seems like a downpour lost and out of control.
But is not stopping.
For a short time. There were rainbows and love.
They thought it was over all forgotten about. But the pain still lurked. And hid in the quietest of spots
But then came another storm this one, just as bad. This one had lightning which acted as knife. to take away from the old Pain. But it left new scars. The One that showed no matter how much they tried to hide it.

And thunder which hid the screams.
And let the world and think that it was just a passing.
But they never think to look behind the vale. But if do They turn the opposite way. And act as if it was another mistake. As if they didn't ever see the pain. Much less feel it. as if it we didn't exist. Thrown out of reality and into a box that caved more in and in every day. And everything becomes more blurred and worn out. It is as if it were once a dream of someone other.
They see the rain and look down upon it. With even fear consumes us. They chose to see the bad side. They see only a black sky with no horizon. They don't the full story. They choose to think that it is all a show for attention. But they look down on the storm, and fear what's not there.   

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