a week later

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Y/N pov
Sam: I love you but don't ever do that again
Me: What she kissed you and is the one you cheated on me with in my vision and she's lucky not to be dead
Sam: I love you
I kissed him
Dean: Get a room
Sam: We did 
We run to the room and lock him out but Jo is inside and sees us making out and let's Dean in
Dean: Wow Sammy thought I was your brother
He said as Sam was about to take off my shirt but he continued anyway I laugh
Dean: Love you too Jo maybe we should leave
Jo: Why we won't see anything worth seeing and it's my little sister and if you look over there I will kill you
Dean: What about the one who is fucking her
Jo: She's not hating it is she
Dean: How do you know she would care
as he said that the door opened and John walked in
John: You Uncle's here get your shirt on
he said without looking
I quickly do as he says then ask
Me: Hey one question why didn't he follow you in I stalled for my son's life Dean let me know if we turn up either stall or let him know ahead of time and for this reason exactly
Sam: Thanks
My Uncle walks in
Uncle Dan: Jo and um.. Y/N
Me: I feel sooo loved
Uncle Dan walks up to Sam
Uncle Dan: treat her right
Me: How in hell do you know
Uncle Dan: Jo told me
Me: I have something to tell you then for one Jo and Dean always sleep together and have since they were 13 and two she got pregnant when she was 16 and it's up for adoption
Uncle Dan: Is it Dean's
Jo: No it's the one dude's
Uncle Dan: Why would you fuck him and Dean stay the hell away from Jo
Dean: With all respect sir no I will not
John: Don't listen to him he will Sam will make sure
Uncle Dan: Sam don't you dare sleep with her till you are at least a month in
Dean: Sorta a little late for that isn't it Sammy
Sam: Dean
Dean: Bitch
Sam: Jerk
Uncle Dan just walks out Sam holds my hand tighter then kisses me Uncle Dan comes back with a gun in hand then holds it to Sam's head
Dean: Wouldn't do that if I were you
He says holding a gun to Uncle Dan's head
I pull Sam out of the way and Dean through's us the keys to the car
Sam: Sorry about Dean
Me: No need he held a gun to his head for you and I appreciate that but we need to go to Bobbie's
Sam: Why
Dean and Jo run outside of the hotel
Dean: Let us in now
I open the door and Sam pulls the seat forward they get in the back
Sam: What's happening
Jo: Just drive
Me: K
Dean: Pull over in 5 miles
Me: Why
Dean: I'm driving
Me: Ok do you even know where we are going 
Dean: Ya Bobbie's
Me: Ok then but why can't I drive
Dean: Knowing Sammy will probably distract you and you don't drive fast enough
Jo: You shouldn't have said that
I make the gas hit the floor than he had a shocked look on his face
Withen a what seemed like a second I was at the five miles limit
Dean: What the hell
Me: Me and Ben used to come here often the first time I was a hunter to get away from Jo and we need to get to Bobbie's soon so I can get my car
Dean: What kind
Me: Impala 
Dean: Fuck ya
Sam: She's mine
Dean: I know your just lucky and getting lucky
Me: Shut up or I'll drive into a tree
Jo: Just like I did
Dean: What did you do
Jo: She let me drive then she asked why I listen to Uncle Dan all the time  so I drove into a tree
Dean: Ok crazy
Me: Ya so it looks like shit and I need to fix it
Dean: Can I help
Me: Sam is he good with cars
Sam: Ya um.. I am not
Me: Ok you can help but Sam you can drive it second
Sam: And your driving first
Me: Hell ya
We all start laughing
Sam: It seems you and Dean have cars in common while Jo has ever thing else in common with him
Me: Seems so
Jo: Me and Dean have nothing in common
Dean: Well we have a few things in common
Me and Sam start to laugh then I see Bobbie's place and my car behind him
Me: I see her
Jo: I totaled that bitch
Me: What you just say
Sam: I love you
He says smirking
Me: Of course you do and Jo what you just say
Jo: I called your car a bitch
Me: Well you can go suck a dick for all I care
Jo: Sorry not till later
Dean: Oh come on
Sam starts to laugh I kiss him
Dean: Hey your driving
I stop the car right in front of Bobbie's house
Dean: Ok then
Sam: Wow
I get out of the car Sam sits there for a minute
Bobby: Here for the car
Me: Yep
Dean: I get to help fix the car
Sam: For the record she's not with Dean she's with me
Bobby: She's to smart for Dean
Sam and I laugh
Bobby: Jo on the other hand
I laugh even harder
Jo: Laugh all you want now
Me: I will and I will never stop and you say laugh now that like you can catch me
I throw my arms up Sam picks me up and Jo runs after us but dosen't catch us
Sam: Catch us If you can
We stop when she gets close we move she falls on the ground I kiss Sam he smirks
Sam: I love you
Me: Why and how
Sam: Your perfect
Dean: He said some of the reasons while you were out
Me: What are they
Sam: You kicks demon ass and has beautiful hair and dosen't need even need makeup and has fucked up problems
I smirk
Time skip to the next month
Sam: Your done working on the car
Me: Ya
I start to kiss him he kisses back then my Uncle walks in and holds a gun to Sam's head Sam stops kissing
Me: What the hell
Uncle Dan: Hey you should probably stop or I pull the trigger
Me: Why don't you want me to be happy
Uncle Dan: I know these boys and they don't care as long as they get laid
Sam: Your thinking about Dean
Uncle Dan: What about Jane
Sam: Of course I wasn't going to call she tried to kill Dean
Me: What the fuck who is Jane
Sam: Well I didn't think she was important and I didn't think you wanted to know my entire sexual history
Me: Well if things like this keep happening I might
Sam: I will tell you later but only if I don't get shot first
Me: Ok well I don't have a gun with me
Uncle Dan: You wouldn't really shoot me
they burst into the room John holds the gun to his head
John: Get that gun off my son
He turns and puts the gun away then gose to punch Sam but I jump in front of Sam  and get clocked in the head were Jessica hit me I fall to the floor
Sam's pov
Y/N wake up please wake up please why all my girlfriend why never Dean's  ways I can't
be happy is that it
Dean: Sammy step back
I step back and Dean picks her up and and takes her to the car I go with him
Time skip to the hospital
I'm sitting next to the bed then she starts to stir then her eyes pop open
Y/N pov
Me: Sam are you here
Sam: Ya I'm here right next to you
Me: I love you
Sam: I love you to
Me: Now for the history lesson
Sam tells me everything then I kiss Jo walks in
Jo: Pull apart before Uncle Dan comes in
I flip out
Me: Why is he here
Sam: I didn't know that
Jo: He cares
Me: If he cared he wouldn't hold a gun to Sam's head
My Uncle walks in and I get out of bed 
Me: Sam were are my clothes
He gose to a cabinet gets my clothes and brings them to me I got to the bathroom that is in my room and change out of the hospital robe  then I walk out slowly
Me: What the hell are you doing
Uncle Dan: Making sure you don't get hurt
Sam: How would she get hurt
Uncle Dan: You would hurt her
Sam: How would I hurt her
John: Dan don't Sam and Dean are to different people and Sam isn't like him
Uncle Dan: I have to
Dean: Just let it go
Uncle Dan: Sam  is a bad luck charm basically and I'm surprised you didn't notice his mom Jessica you have been knocked out twice
Me: Well then I am two my mom and Ben
Uncle Dan: Wait what about Ben
Me: He's dead and bitch named Meg killed him
Sam: You know Meg she tried to kill my dad
Me: Really did you kill her
Sam: She fell seven floors
Me: So she's not dead
Sam: Did you hear me she fell seven floors
Me: She's a demon she's not dead
Sam: Wait What
I kiss Sam
Me: You should've used devil trap on her
Sam: Well I thought maybe it would kill her
I kiss him again he kisses back
Dean: Well we should probably get you out of here
Me: Ya We should probably go before they recognize Jo
When we get to the hotel me and Sam got to the room and lock everyone else out
I kiss Sam he kisses back I can feel him smile then we pull apart from each other
Sam: What are we going to do
Me: I don't know
Sam: Maybe tell them
Me: Why would we
Sam: Let's go out tonight
Me: Great idea but one last thing we tell them first
Sam: K we will
We unlock the door
Dean: Well please tell me you stayed on your bed
Me: We didn't even do it
Sam: But we have something to tell you guys
Me: Last night we um...
Jo: What did you guys do
Sam: We went on a hunt
Dean: A hunt for what
Me: A demon
Jo: What demon 
Sam: The thing that killed our mother's
Dean: What the hell alone
Me: But there's something about it it can't die with even a silver bullet think on that me and Sam are going to go out see you guys later
I say walking off holding Sam's hand then we get into my car
Sam: What's up with you
Me: Nothing
Sam: You walked off before they could say anything
Me: Well Ya Jo and Dean would have made another joke
Sam: True
He leans over and kisses me
Me: I wish I was taller
Sam: Why
Me: So you wouldn't have to lean over to kiss me
Sam: Were In a car I would any way
Me: I mean when we are out there around other people
Sam: What
Me: Then last hunt all four of us went on they thought me and Dean were together
Sam: Wait What
Me: Ya that one dude looked at me then gave Dean a high five then his wife asked me how to land a guy like Dean
Sam starts to laugh
Me: What
Sam: I love you and I don't care if I have to bend over or lean I don't care as long as I kiss you
I blush
Me: Well I would love to kiss you right now
Sam: I would as well love to kiss you too
He leans over and kisses me we slowly pull apart
Me: Let's go
I start the car and drive off
Me: Sam
Sam: What
Me: Were to go
Sam: (Your favorite restaurant)
Me: I love that place
Sam: I know
Timeskip to the restaurant
Me: I love you
Sam: I love you more and this will prove it
Sam gets down on one knee
Sam: Y/N M/N L/N Will you marry me
He says holding a ring
Me: Yes I will and what no speech
Sam gets up and kisses me
Sam: Wow do you always have to be sarcastic
Me: Yep sorry it's who I am if you marry me you marry everything
Sam: Then let's get married now
Me: Sorry can't right now but maybe later now let's eat
Sam laughs 
Sam: Ya sure
After we eat we get in the car to drive back to the hotel
Sam: I love you
Me: I bet you do
Sam: Hey one question
Me: Of course what is it anything but questions about  hunting
Sam: Guess it will have to wait
I pull into the parking lot
We get out of the car I kiss him he kisses back but we don't stop till we get to the room then we see Jo and Dean making out
Me: Hey it's our date night
They look at me
Jo: Wait What's that on your finger
Dean: Did Sammy propose
Me: What's it to you
Sam: Yes I did
Dean comes up and hugs me then Jo hugs Sam
Sam: Don't tell her Uncle
Jo: Why
Sam: I've had a gun held to my head enough
John: What the hell is wrong with you
Sam: What are you talking about
John: You should've scoped the place before you propose
Sam: Why
John: We saw you get down on one knee
Sam: Damn it
Me: What the hell
I fall to the floor
Sam: What's wrong we should be happy
Me: We need to run ditch the plates on my car and get new one's
Sam: Why
Me: I think he might hurt you
My Uncle burst through the door and holds a gun to Sam's head again
Me: Don't you think it's sorta predictable
I say grabbing my gun and holding it to his head
Uncle Dan: Don't you think it's predictable
He said grabbing my gun
Me: Ya I did
I grabbed my flask of holy water and doused him with it steam arouse from were I doused him he started to follow me I backed up I walked over the rug on the floor he tried to go farther
Uncle Dan: What the hell
Me: Devil trap
Uncle Dan: Bitch
Me: I'm so flattered
Uncle Dan: How long have you known
Me: Since the second time you held a gun to Sam's head
Sam: Why didn't you tell me
Me: I couldn't I was about to when you asked me out to dinner
Sam: Why couldn't you tell me then
Me: I realized you didn't know about the devil's trap you would've shot him
Sam: You got a point
Me: Now let this demon go to hell
Sam starts reading

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