Chapt 12

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I walked around I felt calm and happy. The view was amazing. Full bloom flamboyan trees. Beautiful. They are not cherry blossoms but just as beautiful. The grass all tall and strong. Wet and soft. They danced with the breeze as they touched my skin so lightly. They are so featherly so soft.

I felt so calm but far away in the distance I saw withered trees. Dried grass. I could see the dirt so dry it had some cracks. Water has never touched it. On the other part there was a peaceful spot. A simple peach tree on a ledge with a small pond with a few fishes.

The fishes had light colors. It is so calm so relaxing. Mine is so beautiful and fun. While the other looks so horrid and evil.

I walked closer just to the edge. As I got closer I something blurry was at both trees. I felt confused but the closer I got the clearer I saw. My heart tore apart at what was tied to the tree. Tears streamed down. There tied at the peaceful part of the land was Romeo tied up with glowing vines.

And at the dark path was broken vines with thorns. All covered in blood. But nobody is there. The drops of blood touched the floor so I looked down. Under me were drops of blood. A small pathand I turned around. A hand grips my throat and there stood a man. A black aura surrounds him.

"You shall never make me disappear! I am more powerful than that weak fool!" he snaps at me making me begin to cry in pain

I couldn't breath well. Suddenly he was sent flying and there stood Romeo a white shield surrounds us.

"I don't have much time..." he begins his voice so amazing "I need you to kill me... My dads dagger... It is supposed to eliminate the demon inside me"

This is a nightmare something began to break. I look back and there was who I assume is Armando. I looked at him tears streaming down like a rain storm.

"I cannot... I need you in my life... Your my mate I must stay with you. Help you" I ranted as I felt my heart break more

He touches my face and smiles lightly as tears streamed down his eyes "I know... But you and I know that its the right thing to do!"

My eyes wide. He is right. But I will never admit to that never. I will help him. I shut my eyes toghtly as I hold his hand.

"Wake up my beautiful Queen" he whispered

I sat up gasping for air I felt something slide down my cheek. I touched it and it was a tear. Am crying. I am still crying. In came in Abigail in her black stretchy skin like type of dress. She uses them to sleep but they are so cute that they work to go on dates as well.

I stared at her and she looks worried. She walks to me and hugs me tightly to her I trembled as I cried on her shoulder. I heard someone yawn.

"Whats going on?" it was Luna

I stared at her with my red puffy eyes. I wanted Romeo to stay alive. But everyone knew. I knew. To take someone's misery away is to stab the heart with a special blade.

Luna touches her chest like a delicate mother would do and goes to my side and hugs me. I cried a bit more. I ended up explaining to them my dream. In which what Luna tells me. Romeo and I are linked. But being linked means am linked to the demon as well.

My heart tore to that meaning the demon knows what it is to know my fears. But... Why protect me and get jealous over an Alpha holding me back? Was the necklace helping? I shall wait.

A whole month if its possible. I shall if the necklace doesn't work then I will put him out of his misery. Even if it places me in my misery.

I looked at them and Luna said that she will be back. I just needed time to relax. Abigail sat silently by my side as she rubs my back. Her silence helped in a way but I needed to distract my mind. I didn't want Armando knowing how I am feeling.

Luna came in with bags of pop corn. My favorite. Sweet and Salty. My mouth watered and Kiba came in hugging those huge ice scream bowl. It was chocolate and in came Cindy with more than one CD. I felt confused after a few minutes of Luna and Cindy arguing about which movie to put.

I watched the show while eating icecream. Aby started eating popcorn and giggling at them. I just have so much fun watching them argue and in came buffy men into my room. Aby and I covered ourselves. Kiba knew how we dressed up but this men.

We didn't know this men. But they carried a TV. Placing it in my room I know my room is huge but too many people to my liking. Carl came in with a woman all of us confused. Totally confused we stared at her in came Kiba a bit annoyed.

Aby went to him and he blushed a little at the sight of Aby. Luna and Cindy giggled I felt confused. But he being that tall and Aby so small. She pulled him down and whispered something in his ear. They look at each other and a smile spread on his face and if I am correct he told her a yes.

He left and Aby was a bit jumpy but came to my side. She smiled widely at me while she kept eating the popcorn. I stared at the half empty bag. I place the ice cream down and snatch the bag from her.

"Mine!" I hug the bag and began to caress it while saying "My precious"

I heard laughter and I looked at them and laughed as well.

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