[2] Mysterious People

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After sitting through a long day of class, the day seemed pretty normal. There was nothing exciting that happened like everyone had claimed about this school. Well, nothing exciting but this morning was quite unusual. I guess it was just the rush of the morning. I start walking over to the lunch room where they were apparently holding the 'Activity's Fair'. 

I didn't know what activities that I would join but I just wanted to try out something new again at this school. I want to see how far I can go into this school. It looked like most people who came from here are obsessed with it. I decide to have a small look around. 

Once inside the lunch room, I see a food line with a small buffet set out. There were all the usual foods of a grill out like hamburgers and hot dogs. However, when I approached the end of the food line, I saw some 'Honey Budda Chips'. I look wide-eyed at them. 

"Aren't those impossible to find?" I mutter to myself. Somehow, another person hears it because a voice right behind starts talking. 

"You got that right," it says, "But I have my ways." 

I turn around only to be greeted by an upperclassman with bright red hair and glowing amber eyes. He picks up a load of these chips any puts it onto his plate. 

"I don't usually share but because V is making me get new freshman on board, I really don't have a choice," he explains. It is strange how friendly and light-hearted he seemed. 

"But, isn't Honey Budda Chips so fulfilling! I could eat them all day and I do!" He continues, "Praise be the Honey Budda Chips!" 

With all of his bad jokes and the way he told them, I started to laugh a bit. I kind of enjoyed how 

"I'm 707, Defender of Justice," he continues jokingly, "Hmm, how can I get this freshman damsel in distress to join the student council?"

"W- wait? What?" I exclaim, "You are in the student council?"

"Of course I am," he says with great delight, "What makes you think that I am not?" 

Before I can answer, he lets out a laugh that almost made me laugh. He had a fun and playful atmosphere to him that made me want to play along.

"Then again, why wouldn't you be in the student council right?" I say jokingly trying to stifle a laugh while saying it. Seven seems to light up with laughter bringing me along as well. By the end, we both are almost in tears. 

Suddenly, a tall upperclassman shows up behind Seven with crossed arms. He looks really strict like he is actually in the student council. If he told me he is on the student council, I would most likely believe him. Looking at him and his appearance, I would believe that he is even the student council president. 

"Seven..." He calls in a stern voice, "Stop messing around with the freshman. We actually want some freshman in the student council this year or else Rika would be disappointed. We have to at least try to carry on the student council..." 

As his gaze leaves Seven, it drifts over and lands on me. He raises one eyebrow and turns his head a bit like he is evaluating me. He then looks over at Seven and moves in between Seven and I. He holds out his hand for a hand shake and I hesitantly shake it. 

"I am Jumin Han, the advisor of the President and Vice President of the Student Council," he explains, "I'm sorry that you were bothered by Seven and his weird jokes." 

"Um..." I think for a minute trying to think about how to handle this, "It was all in good fun. No need to be formal." 

As my response, I see Seven perks up and Jumin lets go of my hand to turn around to Seven. Jumin then looks around for someone and waves the girl I meet earlier named Jaehee.

"Assistant Kang," He calls, "Please escort Seven back to the Student Council room. Even though I trust him with information, I can't say much about campaigning." 

"Oh ok," She says sounding tired. She seemed like she is running all over the place. She grabs Seven and quickly turns around. But, then, I catch her eye.

"Oh, hi," She greets me now noticing my presence, "You are that girl that helped Yoosung earlier." 

I give her a nod trying to comprehend the situation. It seemed like they are all in the Student Council but they didn't look like it through their different appearances. In the midst of my thought, Seven joins in with a surprised expression. 

"Woah, you are that girl?!" He exclaims surprised sending me off guard as well, "Yoosung hasn't shut up about you... you know... you do show a bit of resemblance to her." 

"W- what?" I say as he gets closer examining me, "Resemblance to who?" 

It is odd because it looked like a serious expression is actually starting to form on Seven's face until it is all overcome but a smile and laugh. 

"Haha, no, no one," He says back to his normal self, "It's just a friend that we all use to know." 

I open my mouth to ask more until another person joins in. Jumin steps in between Seven and I again to take a closer look at me. He glances back at Seven soon afterward sending him some kind of signal that I couldn't comprehend. 

"Just forget about that for now, it's not relevant for you to have that knowledge," He explains, "We all should really leave you to be allowed to wander the club fair some more." 

Jumin then turns to Jaehee and Seven to shuffle them out. However, before he could get out, Jaehee seems to have pulled him aside to converse something with him. They often glance over at me with an analytical gaze. Finally, Jaehee broke from the conversation with Jumin nodding his head. 

"How about you come to our Student Council room after school today and we can show you around," Jaehee explains, "We want you to have a look around the place because it would be really nice if you have an interest in being in the Student Council." 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2017 ⏰

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