Hello! Thanks so much for the reads/votes/comments! I've decided to add this chapter based on the comments made by many who seem to be in a similar situation (or know someone who is).
I'm including lists of websites and cellphone numbers for different situations. A lot of these also cater specifically to those in the lgbt+ community, so make sure to check them out!
If you need a home:
New York http://trinityplaceshelter.org/
Anywhere (U.S) https://www.lys.org/
Los Angeles https://lalgbtcenter.org/Can't find what you're looking for? Look up "LGBT shelters near me".
If you need to talk (Online):
http://www.thetrevorproject.org/If you need to talk (Phone):
US Trans +18775658860
Canada Trans +18773306366
LGBT (US) 866-488-7386
GLBT Youth 1-800-246-7743
LGBT Fenway Peer Listening (25yrs and younger) 617-267-2535Don't be afraid to look up information about the phone numbers before calling!
If you need faith:
Jewish LGBT http://www.keshetonline.org/
Jewish LGBT https://www.hrc.org/resources/coming-home-to-judaism-and-to-self
Trans Jewish http://transtorah.org/Muslim LGBT http://www.mpvusa.org/lgbtqi-resources
Muslim LGBT https://www.hrc.org/resources/coming-home-to-islam-and-to-selfChristian LGBT http://hoperemainsonline.com
Mormon LGB https://mormonandgay.lds.org
Mormon LGBT https://www.hrc.org/resources/coming-home-to-mormonism-and-to-self
Mormon LGBT http://affirmation.orgCatholic LGBT https://www.hrc.org/resources/coming-home-to-catholicism-and-to-self
Evangelical LGBT https://www.hrc.org/resources/coming-home-to-evangelicalism-and-to-self
If you're looking for a Church, try https://www.churchclarity.org/ or look up "affirmation church near me" or "LGBT church near me".
If you have an LGBT hotline for a country that is not listed here, feel free to send me a message with the info and number - I'll gladly add it to this list!
Short StoryPINOCCHIO tells the tale of forgiveness, friendship, and the desperate longing for acceptance. This is a coming-of-age story many look over. | This book is dedicated to all of the transgender children who wanted the acceptance of a family member but...