How You Meet

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(Y/N) - First Name

(L/N) - Last Name

Your day was far from perfect. You slept in, even through your alarm. When you woke up and checked your phone, you realized you were extremely late. You began to panic and multi-tasked while getting ready. When you were ready to leave, you grabbed your that you made in your process and went to the door. Your hands were full and you couldn't simply put your coffee down, so you tried to use your extra fingers that you could spare to use to open the door. As you did so, your coffee fell and spilled all over your shirt for the day. You groaned, you didn't have the time to change again. You went to your closet and grabbed a jacket that matched and pulled it over your shirt. 

That was a mistake. It was scorching outside, but you didn't want to embarrass yourself at work, especially not at S.H.I.E.L.D. You had worked for S.H.I.E.L.D. for two years, and you knew everyone pretty well, but no one really knew you that well. You had powers since you were born. You could manipulate shadows, which sounds odd, but you were stuck with it. You hadn't told anyone because you thought everyone would see you as a freak. 

You rushed out of the door and almost dove into your car. It was almost noon, which is when many people leave work for their lunch break. You cursed silently as you got stuck in traffic. 

"Oh my God, please just let me through! I need to get to work! God damnit." You began to murmur, followed by multiple profanities you made up. You finally got through the ridiculously long line of traffic and made your way to work. 

You had a meeting with the Avengers to give them information for their next mission in ten minutes. Thankfully you wouldn't miss it. 

You arrived at the tower and were immediately greeted by a loud and frightening voice.

"Hello Ms. (L/N). Everyone is waiting on the top floor for you." The voice informed you.

"Thank you...?" You said questioningly.

"You may call me FRIDAY." He replied.

"Thank you, FRIDAY." You said with a smile, still amazed by the technology here.

You made your way to the elevator and got in. You pushed the button of the top floor. Before the door could close, a blur of blue and silver came in. 

"Sorry, I'm in quite the rush." A beautiful voice said from beside you. You looked to your side and saw the one and only, Quicksilver. You had to admit, he was very attractive. His accent was something you could get used to. And his eyes were the color of the ocean. An ocean that you wouldn't mind getting lost in. "Hello?" He asked with a smirk on his face, noticing that you were staring.

"Oh, sorry. Hello." You said as you looked down with an apparent blush on your cheeks. 

"Where are you heading? Haven't seen you around here." He asked, sounding genuinely curious.

"I'm heading up to give the information for your next mission." You smiled as you spoke. As you said that, the elevator opened and allowed you to get off and head into your meeting.

"I forgot to ask your name. I am Pietro Maximoff." He said holding his hand out for you to shake.

"I am (Y/N) (L/N). It's nice to meet you, Pietro." You said ask you took his hand.

"Well, we better get to the meeting before we're late." He said and smiled at you. "Maybe we can go for a coffee after the meeting?" You thought for a second, flashes of your morning flooding your mind. 

"Umm, sure! I could go for some coffee." You said as you smiled.

"Okay, great, I'll meet you outside the room after." He returned the smile.

"Okay, let's head to the meeting before we are actually late." You laughed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2017 ⏰

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