Part 2

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Months after the VMA's
Austin POV
Chapter 1
I hadn't thought about that day in what seemed like forever with how busy I was I didn't really have time to. We didn't really text at all after that. Looking at the video in front of me, made me relive that day.
"Are Austin and Camila dating? Or is it just a rumor? Word has it they met at the VMA's and have been in touch ever since. Also when the girls were on the television show 'The X-Factor" Austin tweeted...." I turned it off this had to be the tenth time I'd seen it. I stared at my phone wondering if I should text her. Has she seen it? Probably knowing her she had but what did she think of it? all these questions popped into my head when I got a call from my management.
Chapter 2
They showed me the video again to make it the eleventh time watching. Along with some articles written online and manips of us together.
"This rumor must come to an end"
" I dont understand why they start all this drama out of stuff that happened so long ago"
" Austin you must understand that you with another girl is a big deal considering that 99% of your fan base is girls who are in love with you them seeing their celebrity crush with someone who can easily be your girlfriend is not something that they just say whatever to"
"I understand that but i know my Mahomies sure they're gonna be freaking out at first but they would easily let it go if I'm happy with her"
" The thing is you aren't dating her and that means they will do anything they can to stop you from doing just that including Fifth Harmony's fan base. Say goodbye to some of those harmonizer mahomies or future mahomies who like Fifth Harmony because they won't be thrilled to see someone has caught Camila's eye"
" And why is that?"
" Because if you dated her that would make you her first boyfriend"
" How do you even know any of this?"
" I spoke to Fifth Harmony's management and we both have come to terms that these rumors will be denied and we will not try to gain any publicity from this rumor by making you two pretend to be together but just denying everything, do you understand?"
" I'm not saying I want to pretend to be her boyfriend but I still don't understand why you guys don't I mean sure some will be over protective of me being her first boyfriend but once they get to know me they will change their mind we will gain so much more fans than lost... just look at Selena and Justin."
" It's not that simple than just over protection. 99% of the harmonizer ship camren"
"What exactly is a camren?"
" Its Camila and one of the girls from Fifth Harmony shipped. If they see someone trying to be with Camila other than Lauren then they'll hate you for breaking up camren"
" Wait so Camila is with Lauren?"
" No they aren't in fact they barely interact publicly because of how badly people over shipped it to the point of calling them lesbians when they aren't ."
"So then whats the problem I mean it looks like they want to stop all of that and one of them having a boyfriend would stop the rumors"
" It's still not that simple you see the fans still ship camren even though they barely talk to one another publicly they still have hope so if they see you in the picture they will hate you because it would destroy their idea that Lauren and Camila are dating. All those future fans of yours would vanish." I sighed why did everything have to be so difficult.
" So if you are asked about Camila you just say you are just friends and only met once and you can say that although she is amazing you don't know her well enough to date her and you're really busy with your music to date anyone. got it?" I nodded because what else could I do? I decided to text Camila who I now knew she knew the rumors.
A- Can you believe all these rumors people honestly have nothing better to do, do they?
C- Yeah I'm guessing they told you the plan then
A- Yup honestly people just cant be friends with someone beautiful without assuming they're dating. Its crazy how they manipulate things to make it seem like we are.
C- Yeah
I was worried maybe I said the wrong thing by calling her beautiful. Maybe even she knew I had a tiny crush on her . I knew she saw us as only friends and maybe not even that I was probably just that guy who wanted her number and probably did it to all the girls. I did I wasn't going to deny it to myself but she was different.I didn't get nervous around the other girls or think this way or much about them.
C- You're not bad looking yourself 🗿
I smiled not only at what I read but her goofy emojis.
A- I really miss you
C- Me too
After that day we didn't really talk much.
Camila POV
Everyone looked at me like I had the answer to a question that wasn't said aloud.
"What?" I said annoyed
" We just thought you'd have an opinion about this considering the fact that the rumors are about you" Lauren said with the same attitude I asked 'What' with.
"Well don't worry about it then"
"Unfortunately even though they're about you they affect us too" Lauren said more sad than annoyed now. All this Austin drama had gotten people talking about camren more than ever, which bugged Lauren a lot.
"I have nothing to say it's not like we were dating or anything we met once like management said I don't even know him well and I'm too busy to date anyone. Plus the fans wouldn't like him because they think he isn't good enough for me."I said
"Seems like a little more than nothing to me" Lauren stated. I probably shouldn't have continued knowing well if I did I was looking for a sassy Lauren but I did anyway.
" Thats not my opinion on the subject it's everyone else's"
" That you stated meaning you agree with every word everyone else thinks"
"Okay! you win I have nothing to say I mean I don't even know how I feel about it the management has every right to suggest the things said because they are true I met the guy once and we don't like each other like that. The fans have every right to worry because they're probably right he's as horrible as they say he hits on every girl he meets and is extremely cocky . I'm probably just like the other girls he meets so why should I have a reason to feel anything about this" Lauren had a satisfied look on her face but just as I was about to tell her she was annoying and to wipe that smug look off her face my phone buzzed. It was Austin. I immediately smiled.
"It's Austin" I said.
She grinned.
"Just friend huh?"
"Shut up" I said blushing. I was nervous I didn't know what to say.
"Well answer it!" Lauren said.
Weeks later...
Although I knew the questions were coming and was supposed to be prepared for them I wasn't. A week or two after I first heard about the rumors it started.
"Are you dating singer Austin Mahone?" how? I thought after he was just asking about Simon's birthday prank he asks this question I hesitated. All the girls looked at me especially Normani. She had the biggest smile on her face that if my hesitation didn't give it away her face would.
"Ummmmmmmm noooooo" I said finally after a long um from me
"Just friends" Dinah chimed in. Thank god because I think I would've just stood there silently frozen after that.
"Yeah just buds" I said while being really intrigued by the fabric of my shirt because I kept fidgeting with it. After the interview I walked faster than usual and almost tripped but picked myself up like it was no big deal since I was so used to it.
"Thanks for the save D-Mac" I said greatly hugging her.
" No problem Dawg" she said like what she did was nothing.
"Can you believe that interview asking that question out of the blue!" Lauren said pissed.
"Yeah that's exactly what I was thinking oh and thanks Normani for that beautiful smile of yours that made the whole interview shine when I was answering that question" I said sarcastically.
" Anytime girl you know I've got you" Normani teased "sorry I couldn't help it like throughout the whole question I was like what is she gonna say!"
"Ughhh what if Austin sees this or anyone omg this is just so embarrassing like we're not dating and now it looks like I totally like him"
"Maybe cuz you do" Normani said matter of factly.
Days after...
We had an interview with billboard which was going to be exhausting but fun. It was a game called 'How Well Do You Know Your Bandmates? ' And the final question was mine.
"Who is Camila's Celebrity crush?" Even though I had yelled 'stop!' to every question because I was so excited about these questions, this time I meant it.
"I know I know" Dinah said repeatedly. I wanted to slap her but instead just yelled 'Stop!' repeatedly.
"It's a seekwet" Lauren said. I ignored her because I was already worried about Dinah blurting out Austin that I couldn't give her a ' I'm gonna slap you' look too. Finally Ally out of the kindness of her heart decided that Ive had enough torture for one interview and said," Ryan Gosling" I immediately ran to Ally.
"Yup you got it you know me so well" I said really loud hugging her. I couldn't contain my nervous laugh that happened whenever I was asked questions like this. Normani realized how nervous I was when Dinah opened her mouth and said " its Ahhh" but Normani elbowed her and told her to shut up. I laughed nervously and happily that Normani stopped her.
"it's Ryan Gosling" I said still laughing.
"That's not true that's a lie" Dinah said. The interview was over and I was ready to slap Dinah.
" So you really know who it is huh?" I said pissed.
"Yes it's Austin the game was how well you know your band mates and I won because no one got who it really was" Dinah said contently. She was definitely the biggest airhead I knew. She didn't get that what she almost did and was doing, could possibly trigger a billion more rumors and possibly catch Austin's eye like many caught mine. I just gave her a look because I realized there was no use in arguing with Dinah she was my adopted sister my other half.
Austin POV
I checked my twitter and was about to retweet my fans and tweet them when I read in my mentions ' Austin gets friend zoned by Camila' I immediately clicked on the video. It was exactly what management wanted, deny everything. Even though what she said was true it was like she just punched me I realized there was no hope in being anything else than 'just buds'. I then realized all the harmonizers knew that as well because throughout the last couple of days since the interview my mentions were packed with "Austin just got friend zoned" "Shes not with Austin shes with Lauren" . It was crazy how much drama had happened all because of one question. My mahomies were although happy they were angry. " This is why Austin should never date Camila he deserves better than that" It made me sad to see that some of them were reacting this way bashing on her when she did nothing wrong, after all it wasn't her fault that we were just friends and she couldn't really say anything else without leading on people that we could have a thing. Don't get me wrong I loved my Mahomies till the end and knew they were just being as dedicated as they always were but a part of me wished they didn't react that way to prove management that the rumors weren't such a big deal.

Austin Mahone and Camila Cabello (Camaustin/Ausmila)Where stories live. Discover now